Click to join!

To donate, you do not need to have an account. You can click and follow a link a fundraiser has given you (such as ours below) or go to the Extra-Life main webpage and click DONATE and search for the fundraiser you wish to support with your donation. You will be eligible for the individual incentives as long as you donate to anyone that's part of the Darkpaw Games team! Your codes will be sent to the email you provided when making your donation later this year or possibly early next year depending on when you donate.

If you wish to fundraise with the team, you will need to create an account with Extra-Life by visiting our team page here: and click JOIN OUR TEAM. Be certain to use an email address which is valid and that you have access to, as this is where your codes will be sent when that date arrives. On the registration page, you will be asked your role, this is where you join Team Darkpaw. It should be preselected for you, but if not search for Darkpaw Games where the captain is Darkpaw Games. Congratulations! You are part of Team Darkpaw! Set up your page, start fundraising and donating!

All donations you make while you are a member of Team Darkpaw, or donate through a member of Team Darkpaw, are eligible for the Individual incentives. This is true whether you donate through your own page, through another member of Team Darkpaw's page, or donate through another fundraiser’s link without signing up for your own Extra-Life Account.

Fundraising is when others donate through your page. This qualifies you to the Fundraiser incentives and not the individual incentives, that is unless you donated through yourself; in which case you will be eligible for both if you have met the threshold.

Team Darkpaw


If you are a member of another team and wish to change, go to and click Join our team, and you will be asked if you wish to change teams.

Join a team, be sure to check for Captain: Darkpaw Games!


Please check the roster here: To find your name. If you donated to someone else, make sure their name is listed in the roster.


Check the roster for your name or the name you donated to to ensure you get your incentives!

If you do not see your name, or the person you donated to in the Roster on the page above, you will need to reach out to Extra Life and ask them to move your donation to Team Darkpaw in order to get incentive codes! You can contact them through this link, be sure to do so from the email address you used to make your donation.

On a date which has yet to be determined, Extra Life will let Darkpaw know how many donors and fundraisers we have under Team Darkpaw. This could happen in waves as it did last year, depending on the quantity of donors and fundraisers.

Keys will be sent to Extra Life to forward via e-mail to those donors and fundraisers for the incentives they have reached. We do not have your Extra Life account information or access to the e-mail you used to create your account where you will get the keys. We will make a post when keys have been sent via e-mail. You will get keys for both EverQuest and EverQuest II, even if you only play one of the two.

To redeem your code, go to the homepage, login into the account you want your items on, and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Copy and paste your code into the box under “Enter retail game card and promotional codes here:” and click Submit! Be sure to copy and paste your code, and that there are no spaces before the code or after the code.

Click to go to the homepage!

If you want more information while you're in-game, use the command /extralife to get it.

Now, just jump in game, hit claim, and enjoy your items!

Thank you so much for choosing to help make a difference by participating in this charity drive!