By: Ry “Roshen” Schueller

16th Anniversary of EverQuest

March 16th will mark 16 years that Norrathians have been adventuring through the lands of EverQuest. Don’t miss your chance to celebrate EverQuest’s rich history by participating in anniversary events! While we have a full schedule of things for players to do in the coming weeks, check out what we have for you starting on Monday!

Player Designed Missions

If you attended SOE Live in the past, you may be familiar with the Player Designed Missions panel. In these panels, we invited players to sit down with our team of EverQuest game developers, and design real in-game content for all players to enjoy.

On March 16th, 2015 seven of these missions will be going live! These will be available for six weeks, and players have until 11PM Pacific on Monday, April 27, 2015 to participate in any of the following tasks.

  • Belle of the Ball
  • Cleansing the Ground
  • Dead Dragons
  • Korucust's Royal Pain
  • Liquid Courage
  • Pirates of Timorous Deep
  • Pub Crawl


For details on these tasks, look in your achievements pane under EverQuest -> Special, or speak to the Mechanical Fortune Teller in the Plane of Knowledge for details.

16th Anniversary Stream

In celebration of the 16th Anniversary of EverQuest, we’re inviting players to join us Monday for a stream on! During this stream, we’ll be playing through some of the Player Designed Missions on the Drinal server, and chatting with players that join us on Twitch. Log in to Twitch chat and talk to us and other players during this celebration!

Giveaways? We have them! Sure, it’s our party, but YOU’RE the one that has the chance of leaving with a gift. This stream will run for one hour, and will start at 2PM Pacific on Monday, March 16.

16 Days of Bonus Experience

Bonus XP

The party isn’t over when the stream ends. Starting Monday, March 16, EverQuest players will earn 160% experience for 16 days as we celebrate the 16th Anniversary of EverQuest (see what we did there? :) ). This bonus experience will end at 11:59PM Pacific on Tuesday, March 31, 2015, but don’t hesitate to log in and take advantage of this promotion!


Don’t miss out on EverQuest’s 16th Anniversary celebration! We’re grateful for every Norrathian’s continued support, and we’ll see you in-game!