Last year was such a milestone year for us, and we are still going! Every player inspires us to keep going by developing new content and continuing with the gaming fun. We have loved being a part of your lives, and plan to continue for many years to come! We cannot thank you enough for being part of the EverQuest® family! Once again, we have updated our Anniversary Page with fun details and amazing key art just for you. With all this in mind, we offer some great gifts again this year.
The Anniversary Tower is back! The tower, which was a large part of the celebration last year, is back again! Every door, every key, every fight is back! Get on some comfortable shoes, as you have a lot of stairs to climb! That’s not all, though; all the Year of Darkpaw content and previous monthly giveaways items will be back in the Marketplace for sale during the anniversary and remain until May 10, 2025 at 11:00 p.m. PDT. The Limited Time Marketplace items from Year of Darkpaw will be phased in and out of the marketplace throughout the anniversary event up to May 10, 2025 at 11:00 p.m. PDT!
All players will receive the following for free:
- 50% bonus to experience gains for all players! (Bonus ends on April 1, 2025, at 1:00 a.m. PDT.)
- A Blade of Jade Ornament which can be converted to Staff of Jade Ornament or Shield of Jade Ornament for all your characters. (One per character; available until April 20, 2025, at 11:00 p.m. PDT.) *
All-Access Members will also receive the following:
- A Metamorph: Jade Prowler Cub for all your characters. (One per character; available until April 20, 2025, at 11:00 p.m. PDT.) *
- A Level 100 Heroic Character (One per account; available until April 20, 2025, at 11:00 p.m. PDT) **
- A Goblet of Adventure II (One per account; available until April 20, 2025, at 11:00 p.m. PDT.) **
What’s new for this year:
Something calamitous looms on the horizon and Firiona Vie, Champion of Tunare, believes the long-lost mythical Jade Tiger statue may reveal the path to discovering what it is. The champion and her companions aren't the only ones looking for the relic as ne'er-do-wells lurk in the shadows waiting for a chance to strike. Join Firiona Vie in a race of discovery, intrigue, betrayal, and action in the hunt for the Jade Tiger.
An organizer for the Shadeweaver Jade Gallery graciously invites you inside to join in the festivities and gleam at the art pieces available inside. He mentions the sponsors that have funded the event, the Doke Collective. A new organization that has come from afar to show their wares. Come and seek joy and splendor, and maybe some mystery as well.
New Quests:
- Diary of the Jade - The Discovery
- Diary of the Jade - The Search
- Back to Square One
- On the Jade Thief's Trail
- Something Unexpected
- The Doke Trio
These will remain available until May 10, 2025 at 11:00 p.m. PDT.
Returning events:
- All the previous anniversary quests and missions.
- Raid: Speak with Ghrald McMannus to force an end to the madness in the event Inner Turmoil.
- Looking for adventures over level 100? Some of the earlier top hits included Sailor Twift with her Riveting Tales. Don’t have time to help spread Unity among the Gnolls? Head to the Plane of Knowledge and speak with Maitreya, the Maître D’. He needs some help making a Fancy Feast.
- Not quite up to level 100+ quests? Don't worry; there are a bunch of lower-level quests. If you are not ready to head out for summer, stop by Geia Korrel and head back to school with School Supplies. Or if helping a lovesick Iksar is more to your liking, speak with an Emissary of Erollisi in the Plane of Knowledge.
- No party is complete without eating some delicious Platinum Anniversary Cake in scenic locations. While you're out in the world adventuring, take the time to explore all the years of anniversary content.
Lastly, we are once again un-vaulting the Past Heritage Crates. You can find these Heritage crates on the Marketplace from now until April 1, 2025, 1:00 a.m. PDT.
* You must log onto each character during this time to receive the item. The items will appear on your cursor.
** You must log onto each account during this time to receive the reward. You may access the potion in the claim window.