It is time for us to upgrade our forums to the latest iteration. There is so much history and knowledge in our old forums that we do not want it to be lost. The good news is that all your posts will be moving over to the new forums with you! The only thing you will need to do is to venture over, log in, and start posting! 

While we can move almost everything, there will be some things that cannot be moved. One such thing is Private Messages, and another is Trophies. We will be keeping the old forums up for a while for those who wish to grab details and information from their Private Messages. 
Upgrading was a necessity, as our old forums are antiquated and no longer supported for updates. The forum we are moving to is new and shiny and will be supported for all security updates and fancy new things coming up. We will have more options, which will allow us to do things the old forums restrict, such as adding a Dislike button, allowing staff to create polls, and much more! 
The date for the forum changeover will be Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. PDT and will take approximately 12 hours to complete (there is a lot of data to move and check!). We will provide a link to the new forum home soon. The new forums can be reached here: The old forums are still up in read-only, they can be reached here:

NOTE: The old forums will be locked while we work on the transition to our new forums. Please keep an eye on Discord and our social media channels for when the move is complete! 

Links to our social media channels and Discord server:  X, Facebook, Instagram, and Discord.