We have taken some of the most popular and useful items from the Marketplace and put them into GIGANTIC packs. Now you do not need to purchase them one at a time but can get as many as you need in packs!

How big are these packs? Check out this list! These bundles have a 15% discount over the amount of individually purchased product.

  • Bottle of Adventure I (10)
  • Bottle of Adventure II (10)
  • Bottle of Alacrity Pack (20)
  • Bottle of Health Pack (10)
  • Bottle of Speed (20)
  • Bottle of Clarity Pack (20)
  • Bottle of Buoyancy (10)
  • Bottle of Replenishment Pack (10)
  • Bottle of Shared Adventure I (5)
  • Bottle of Shared Adventure II (5)
  • Perfected Augmentation Distiller (10)
  • Bottle of Adventure III (10)
  • Bottle of Shared Adventure III (2)
  • Bottle of Adventure IV (5)
  • Trademaster's Component Satchel (4)
  • Draught of the Craftsman (5)
  • Crystallized Luck (10)

Grab what you need and do what you need to get done without needing to stop to buy a potion or two! This is a limited time sale which ends on August 13, 2024 at 11:00 p.m. PDT, so don’t delay! 

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