We’ve got a brand-new heritage crate jumping onto the Marketplace today! Check out what you can possibly get!

Possible crate items

Here are the items you might find in the crate: 

  • Nimble River Bounder 
  • Guktan Brazier  
  • Statue of Mithaniel Marr 
  • Veksar Chandelier  
  • Gunthak Altar  
  • Rathe Mountain Cart  
  • Painting: Nedaria’s Landing  
  • Familiar
    • Metamorph: Cove Frog
    • Metamorph: Deadly Black Widow
    • Metamorph: Cursed Shinta Knight
    • Metamorph: Man-Eating Vine
    • Metamorph: Fungus Soldier
  • Illusion
    • Undead Froglok – Visage of an Undead Servant
  • Armor Set
    • Suit of Moic's Guktan Plate 
    • Suit of Moic's Guktan Chain 
    • Suit of Moic's Guktan Scalemail 
    • Suit of Moic's Guktan Ringmail 
    • Suit of Moic's Guktan Leather 
    • Suit of Moic's Guktan Cloth 
    • Suit of Fogug's Guktan Plate 
    • Suit of Fogug's Guktan Chain 
    • Suit of Fogug's Guktan Scalemail 
    • Suit of Fogug's Guktan Ringmail 
    • Suit of Fogug's Guktan Leather 
    • Suit of Fogug's Guktan Cloth

Guktan Armor Sets

Note that certain items that can be looted from this and future crates are limited to specific, unlocked expansions. If you play on a server that has not unlocked one of these expansions, the expansion-associated item simply won’t be in the crate. Don’t worry, though, the mounts are not gated so you can still get those regardless of your server’s expansion status. Enjoy, and here’s hoping you get what you want! 

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