We have another poster addition for the Darkpaw Swag Store! A Terror of Luclin poster has been added for your collection! It’s perfect to frame and hang in your office, bedroom, or anywhere else you can think of to hang amazing artwork! 

We’ve also created desktop wallpaper for you to download as well! Just click the image in whichever size you choose, open in a new window, right-click, Save As, and transform your desktop into something you’ll be thrilled to sit down and look at! 

Check it out! 


Terror of Luclin Poster


Download (1024x768) (1920x1080)


We will be releasing more throughout the year, so be on the lookout for future posts about the Swag Store and wallpaper updates! We currently have the above sizes available for download and are in discussions about other sizes to come out later. Looking for the wallpaper we’ve already put out? Click HERE to see your one stop shop to grab them all! 


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