Fippy Fest is next week, time is moving so fast! We have decided on a host for our Livestream Event and wanted to shoutout an introduction!

This person is someone we all know well, someone who has shown time and again their love for all things EverQuest related. Without further ado, the host of Fippy Fest will be *drum roll* ROBB ELLIS (known in-game as Fading)! That’s right, the host of the amazing EverQuest Show! We could not have picked a better person to be our distinguished host.

This Robb, right here! ^

Reminder that the Livestream will be free for anyone to watch. If you’d like to post questions to be asked during the livestream, however, you will need to purchase one of the Digital Packs which can be found on our Year of Darkpaw page. If you’ve already purchased a pack, keep an eye on the forums for information coming soon on posting up your questions. Stay tuned for the link to the Livestream, coming soon!

See you all soon!