To commemorate the merging of the four PvP servers onto the new Zek server, Guide Diphen called on SOE and his fellow Guides, and they organized a Royal Rumble on all four servers during this past weekend. This was an arena style event. The winners were awarded a title that included the name of the server they came from.

Check out the stories and pictures below to see how these players bade farewell to the PvP servers they had been playing on:

Rallos Zek

Winner – Namji, a level 70 necromancer

Players fumbled around, nervous, as the Champion Of Zek bellowed out the entry to the mighty battle on the Rallos Zek server. One winner, one server, one title! Who would emerge victorious over all the mighty PvP'ers of Rallos Zek? In the end, Namji, a courageous Necromancer, slaughtered his opponents to claim the title "Defender of Rallos Zek." The history of the server now rests in his hands!

Screen shots

Rallos Mayhem #1
This shot features the guides that put on the event for the Rallos Zek Community.

Sullon Zek

Winner – Speedd, a level 70 Bard

On Sunday morning, February 6th, a new day dawned for those residing on Sullon Zek. The Guide program's SWAT team prepared for the Royal Rumble. A tremendous Crowd of Sullon Zekers showed up. There was lots of fun to be had from everyone, including the spectators who needed eyeglasses to see things… (Gnomes were racking up the money today selling them.)

When the dust settled only one was left standing, Speedd was named the Defender of Sullon Zek!!! Special mention goes out to the runners up -

5th Place - Aagar

4th Place - Solariss

3rd Place - Burnfactor

2nd Place - Zedus

SOE would like to specially thank the SWAT Guides that put on this event many Sullon Zekers called this "The end of an era."

Screen shots

Sullon Mayhem #1
A single dwarf charges a herd of drogmors


Tallon Zek –
Winner – Garwin, a level 70 Paladin

In the distance stood a Champion. His eyes wore tired, face frail. It was time for his Wisdom and Judgment to take over the responsibilities that came with being a Champion of Zek.

The Champion came in search for a Defender to a realm known and named after the God, Tallon. In the midst, he called through the lands to rally groups of peers against their own. Good, Dark, even Neutral Alliances answered this call. For over an hour, groups fought relentlessly to prove to the Champion that they are the ones to carry on the honor of a realm that had been blinked out of existence.

The brave defenders on top of the battle: Keyoshi, Garwin, Anarch, Toee, Ishrin, and Quint. However, only one could walk away with the honor of being the true defender.

The Champion then called upon these six to turn against themselves. When the dust settled, a son of Brell himself, the Dwarven Paladin Garwin, proved to the Champion through his might, skill, and determination. The Champion of Zek stood silently, leaning his sword on the shoulder of Garwin. As an aura of light surrounded the two, the Champion of Zek nodded his head, explaining the new responsibilities of Garwin. He had earned the responsibility of promoting good throughout the new lands. He held onto the responsibility that came with the values that he and his brethren were raised with: the responsibilities of being The Defender of Tallon Zek.

Screen shots

Tallon Mayhem #1
Death and destruction as the event gets under way

Tallon Mayhem #2
More death and destruction as the Tallon Zekers fight it out.

The Winners

Vallon Zek –

Winner – Caliel a level 70 Paladin

The Champion of Zek commanded they sit before him and wait patiently while the rules were read to them. Now for an ogre this took a lot of concentration and practice to speak the words clearly enough. The brave contestants surprised us all and sat down and listened intently to what this ogre had to say. What a sight to see, 50 Norrathians sitting before an ogre.

Once the rules were understand the call for battle was raised. A fierce battle was fought, many were brave, and they all fought honorably for this was the end. The end of Vallon and only one could remain, the Defender of Vallon.

2nd Place - Goldcyn

3rd Place - Doragoon

4th Place - Infemous

5th Place - Haptor

6th Place - Cambrysis