This week we talked to Jose Araiza, also known as Trueno the Trollslayer, the Associate Producer for EverQuest.

How long have you worked for SOE?
Since before the beginning back in the 989 days, then Verant, then SOE.

What other jobs have you held while working for SOE?
QA Lead, QA Manager, Assistant Producer, now Associate Producer.

What work did you do before coming to SOE?
Computer software retail chain – Been involved with games 10+ years.

Did you need to have any specific education in the gaming industry to get where you are today?
Yes, I learned English.

What does a typical day's work consist of for you?
Keeper of the Schedule, bearer of bad news, and helping the team with any critical issues that arise… and stealing cookies from Kytherea.

Did you play EverQuest prior to working on it?
Since I started working at 989 before EverQuest was released, there was no 'prior'.

What race and class is your Dev avatar?
Dwarf paladin.

How did you choose his name?
Made it up.

What got you into gaming and what sort of games do you like the most?
Too long and complicated to explain, but the short of it is providing entertainment for children. Hence my dislike of gory or morally incorrect games. I like games that are fun without having to resort to shock value and that capture the imagination instead of corrupting it.

What do you do for fun other than games?
I'm the typical modern media guy. I like movies, anime, art, all things visually stimulating, and aurally engaging. I love discovering new music, and enjoy making remixed CDs or making my own mixes of songs I like just for fun..