Guild Name: Swords of a Vengence
Server: The Seventh Hammer
Guild Leader's Name: Heyokah Koldsoul Noheart

How did your guild name get chosen? I believe the original eight members of Swords of a Vengence were a breakaway from a prior guild on EQ, called Daggers of Vengence that was losing its family atmosphere. Swords of a Vengence was created by those eight players to bring back the family atmosphere to those eight and any member who looks for a real family to play EQ with.

Are you the original leader of the guild? No

When did your guild come into existence? About four years ago

Do you have a website dedicated for your guild? Yes,

How many members do you have in your guild? 206

What kind of ranking system do you have? Is there much opportunity for advancement within the guild? We do not have a ranking system in our guild other than being an officer within the family. We give raid points for attending raids and guild events which members use to get items that drop on raids.

What are your current recruiting goals? Currently, the goal is to have 250 members by February 1st, 2007.

Does your guild have a 'charter' and other rules that you abide by to help hold the team together? The only rules that Swords of a Vengence has is to abide by SOE rules for Everquest and to have fun. Respect for every player and keeping the Swords of a Vengence guild name respected among the server is another requirement we have.

What are some benefits that your guild offers that other guilds don't? Swords of a Vengence offers a family to play with that is a tight group and we have alot of fun together. We will drop anything we are doing in game to help someone out with a quest, group or mob. Also, unlike many other guilds, Swords of a Vengence is dedicated to the fact that playing Everquest is supposed to be a fun and relaxing time away from real life issues. For this reason, we do not require mandatory playtimes, attendance to any event, or rediculous requirements many other guilds have.

Does your guild exist in other games? No.

What type of guild do you have, ie: family, casual raiders, hardcore raider,etc.? We are a family guild with casual raiding. We currently are working on some Planar progression and helping members get thier epic quests done.

What content are you currently working on in the game? Epic's for members and Planar Progression. We also raid other zones and mobs than PoP to keep a variety going for all the members. We also do some DoN and LDoN events.

Is role playing an important aspect for your guild? No, I wouldnt say that we are a role playing guild. Most people use roleplay for hiding their class so they are not bombed with tells in PoK for buffs.

Can you go through some of your great battles and quests you've conquered as a guild? Some of our great battles have been wiping out Chardok, taking out many epic mobs, and smaller raid mobs.

How often does your guild participate in these events on a weekly basis? Swords of a Vengence usually has one full out raid on Saturday nights and usually one or two smaller, group events during the rest of the week. However we are known to raid two or three times a week if there is something that a member really needs to get done.

Who would you say is the toughest battle you have encountered? I cannot recall the toughest battle since we are rebuilding at the moment and currently cannot raid many tough battles with the player base we have, however we are looking to hit bigger mobs in PoP zones in the near future.

what your most exciting event you can recall with your guild. Something that makes you think back and say to yourself, "This is why I play this game..." The most exciting event with the guild was the PoI dragon raid. Everything just seemed to click well on that night and everyone was working great together without any conflicts of loot, playing your class right, etc.

what has been the best expansion for the guild? I would say TSS was the best expansion for the guild because of the higher end drops and quests for armor and items. Our players have been able to upgrade armor and weapons without having to have a super large raid to go into high end zones or paying a ton of plat for an item.

What advice might you give to people just starting out with a new guild or planning to start one? It takes time to get a guild to succeed. Plan on spending most of your playtime working on the guild, helping others out, answering questions, and being put into tell hell on a regular basis. My recommendation on dealing with all of this is to select very trusting and dedicated officers to help you out as much as possible. I do not look at the officers in SoV as under me. We are a democracy and we vote on every major decision for the guild and every officer has a say in these decisions.

What makes your guild unique? Swords of a Vengence is unique because of its dedication to the casual player who cannot spend eight hours a day playing EQ. We help them out as much as we can, and do have a lot of players who fall into this category in our family. Another way SoV is unique is the way we interpret a family guild. Most guilds will say they are family guilds, but have requirements. Family guild in SoV means just that. We are a FAMILY. Brothers and sisters in the lands of Norrath and we hold true to that aspect. Many members have told me personally that they have never seen a guild that is so dedicated to each other and not what they personally want to do. All members in SoV are able to suggest and schedule events for the guild if they need something done and help with something so that it can fit into their play schedule. We also welcome members of any level and classes. We do not have any of the recruiting requirements to be a member in our family. Everyone deserves a chance to join our family.