Guild Name: Sword of Fate
Server: Prexus
Guild Leader's Name: Kivuli Nyamaa

How did your guild name get chosen? The tale is a simple one. The original guild leader suggested something long forgotten to history to one of the other founders. He didn't like it, so he suggested "Sword of Fate" as an alternative. It was agreed upon and the rest, as they say, is history.

Are you the original leader of the guild? That honor belongs to Zydallon Trismegistus.

When did your guild come into existence? January of 2000

Do you have a website dedicated for your guild? We do.

How many members do you have in your guild? I'd say we have about 40 active members, with a slew of secondary bots.

What kind of ranking system do you have? Is there much opportunity for advancement within the guild? We have only three "ranks" as such. Member, officer, and leader. New officers are appointed only when the active officer ranks dwindle too far. As the three ranks are for mainly administrative purposes, there is no real advancement path.

What are your current recruiting goals? We seek to add quality people of any class, level, and playing style to our guild. We guild the player, not the character.

Does your guild have a 'charter' and other rules that you abide by to help hold the team together? Our full charter is available on our website, however the core tenets are geared towards maturity and responsibility. We value our reputation as an honorable guild very highly and hold every member to those standards regardless of rank.

What are some benefits that your guild offers that other guilds don't? Flexibility. When you are online, your time is yours to do with as you see fit. We have no mandatory events in Sword of Fate.

Does your guild exist in other games? There are guilds in City of Heroes/Villains and World of Warcraft comprised of a majority of ex- and current Sword of Fate members, but they have different names and are separate entities. Fate's Legacy on Agrammar is the World of Warcraft version. There is a "Sword of Fate" there but they are an unrelated guild.

What type of guild do you have, ie: family, casual raiders, hardcore raider,etc.? We are as close to a raiding guild as a family guild gets. We have regular raid schedules and an established core of dedicated raiders. We also have tradeskill nuts and quest nuts and people who simply like to grind experience.

What content are you currently working on in the game? Currently we're working on getting past Inktu'ta, working our way up to the highest tiers of Dragons of Norrath, and getting all of our members ready to enter Anguish. We also experiment a bit with the new Serpent's Spine encounters and regularly farm Darkhollow raids.

Is role playing an important aspect for your guild? We have a few roleplayers in the guild, including myself, but in general it isn't a big part of the guild.

Can you go through some of your great battles and quests you've conquered as a guild?We've defeated most of the old content up to Luclin. We've conquered the Planes of Power up to and including Quarm. That was a great feeling. We've also, back when it was still hard, defeated the 10th Coldain Ring War. I think that's still my favorite large-scale quest in the game. Of course we've done multiple epic weapon encounters and several of the newer encounters from the recent expansions.

How often does your guild participate in these events on a weekly basis? We have two weekly raid events, as well as scattered other events throughout the month.

Who would you say is the toughest battle you have encountered? In my opinion, it would have to be the Rathe Council event. If ever a raid event were built upon a house of cards, it's that one.

What is the most exciting event you can recall with your guild. Something that makes you think back and say to yourself, "This is why I play this game..." Bar none, it would be the night we first defeated Rallos Zek in the Planes of Power expansion. I remember jumping out of my chair and cheering. Later that week we had a real-life guild gathering at our then-leader's house. We had all gone out to eat at a steakhouse and one of our enchanters, Berix Baublebuyer, got everyone's attention and raised a toast. I still remember his words: "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are now an Elemental Guild"! I'll drink to that!

What has been the best expansion for the guild? Planes of Power really brought us together and focused us as a guild. We were always content to be looking from the outside in at all the high-end raid content and wishing we could be there. Planes of Power was when we really started to get motivated to do it ourselves. I'll never forget our race to the Plane of Time. It was exhilarating, and all because a few old fogies at one of the guild gatherings locked themselves in a room and came up with a plan.

What advice might you give to people just starting out with a new guild or planning to start one? Above all else aspire to greatness not only in accomplishment, but also in character. All the loot in the world means nothing if you stood on the toes of the rest of the server to get it.

What makes your guild unique? We showed the EQ world you can have your cake and eat it too when it comes to raiding and family. Even if no one was looking.