Guild Name: Sunrunners
Server: Erollisi Marr
Guild Leader's Name: Redwing Silvermane
How did your guild name get chosen? From the Book by Melanie Rawn "Dragon Prince".
Are you the original leader of the guild? NO the Father of our guild was the Dorf King "Artukus".
When did your guild come into existence? Our GUild became Known in August of 1999.
Do you have a website dedicated for your guild? www.slackman.com/sunrunners
How many members do you have in your guild? 58 at the moment.
What kind of ranking system do you have? None for We are all leaders and followers in our guild equal at all times.
Is there much opportunity for advancement within the guild? There is always the opportunity to advance within the Sunrunners.
What are your current recruiting goals? We recruit those that want a guild that plays for "FUN" not hard core raiding.
Does your guild have a 'charter' and other rules that you abide by to help hold the team together? Yes and our charter and rules are posted on our web site.
What are some benefits that your guild offers that other guilds don't? We offer an international time for all that want to play: Because of the different times we work these days it is easy to make and keep friends in other parts of the world.
Does your guild exist in other games? No.
What type of guild do you have, ie: family, casual raiders, hardcore raider, etc.? We are most assuredly a family guild.
What content are you currently working on in the game? We are taking on the beast of the Serpent Spine at the moment.
Is role playing an important aspect for your guild? We find that role playing is important to us because of our well rounded members classes and races: We bring that class and race to the game: Even more so because we use a person to person program to talk live to one another as we venture forth.
Can you go through some of your great battles and quests you've conquered as a guild? The one Battle that comes to mind more than any other from all of us is the very first time our Guild took Lady VOX. The quest we took so to heart was to get our members their epic items from Fear, Hate and Sky: When our Cleric Quinnane got her Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh for our guild it was a great achievement and our Dwarf Cleric Davek soon had his.
How often does your guild participate in these events on a weekly basis? We now meet on schedule every Monday and Thursday for guild events but most of us play daily.
Who would you say is the toughest battle you have encountered? That Battle is one we are still recovering from and will challenge again Kyv Rux Vhedt in Barindu, Hanging Gardens: We are still growing is strength and power as a fighting Guild, We will return and be a victor of this Kyv Rux Vhedt.
What your most exciting event you can recall with your guild. Something that makes you think back and say to yourself, "This is why I play this game..." The name of the NPC has escaped me but the event hasn't; Our band of adventures were exploring the Ssraeshza Temple and came upon a Named that at first beat us down, but with in minutes we were back, talking, planning and working together to confront this Snake that had drawn Sunrunner blood. He was a long and hard fight with our Warrior Princess Talci out front, Lady Exzandra Grey(Druid) took back up heals for Quinnane and Davek, while The Beastlord Tsurpaw and his human Druid Tsurwraith helped beat him to the ground we fought and when he went down the excitement was unbridled that was the one that makes us keep going to conquer more in this adventure.
What has been the best expansion for the guild? "Serpent Spine" The quests have been a lot of fun.
What advice might you give to people just starting out with a new guild or planning to start one? When you start a guild remember people come and go. You must first form friendships to cope with the differences of each person in the guild don't become one sighted in your pursuits to advance just you, work to help all and watch out that you as a leader or officer don't just play with a few members make time to play with everyone.
What makes your guild unique? We are unique simply because we are still around after almost 8 years.