| Splendid Journeys We are shifting things around over here in Community Relations and I wanted to make sure you were all aware of the changes. My position is changing as are the duties I will have associated with this position. I am now the International Community Manager and I supervise the International Community Relations Representatives for EQII. As I shift over from being the EQ Community Relations Manager to the International Community Manager, Lydia Pope, AKA Zatozia, will be taking over the reins for EQ. Lydia has years of EQ experience and will be a great addition to the EQ team. This is a fantastic change for the EQ community. Lydia is an extremely creative thinker and has many great ideas to tantalize your creative taste buds. But never fear, I will not be far way, I still have a story to continue for those who were following the adventures of Kaiya. It has been an honor to work so closely with both the EQ Community and the EQ Development team for the last 2 years. I will miss the community immensely, for you are one of the best communities in the MMO industry from what I have seen, but I leave you in very capable hands. Good luck, take care and may you have many splendid journeys in Norrath! Christina Delzer ~ Kytherea (And the hairless war hamster too!) |
The Return of the Torturess First, I want to thank Kytherea for her kind words and wish her well with her new position. I'm sure she's going to miss everyone but Halflings have a habit of sticking around so I'm willing to bet that you'll still see her from time to time! | ||
So who is this Zatozia person anyway? I'm your new Community Relations Manager, also known as you're Torturess in the Shadows! Some of you may already know me from the past and others have already gotten to know me in the present. I have been with the company since May of 1999; back when it was still Verant Interactive. Over the past 8 years, I have worked in various positions including, Game Master, Senior Game Master, Lead Game Master, Quest and Events Master, and Associate Game Designer for EverQuest. The majority of my work was done on the historical storyline of EverQuest through dynamic events. Also, I worked on the EverQuest Legends server overseeing the dynamic events on Stormhammer. In addition to working on EverQuest, I have worked with the EverQuest Online Adventures and the EverQuest II Development Teams for over the years helping to coordinate lore between the three games. Before I joined the gaming world, I was an accountant. I know… Gasp! How did I go from being an accountant to get into this line of work? Good question! Well, I started out in the EverQuest guide program back in beta 1998. I enjoyed the game so much I just knew I wanted to work on it for a living. Thankfully, they said yes when I asked! In May of 2005, I joined the Community Relations department as Community Manager for PlanetSide and EverQuest Online Adventures. And now present day, I have EverQuest and EverQuest Online Adventures (EQOA). I am also a firm believer in role-playing in a role-playing game. Over the next couple of weeks you'll start seeing some changes made to the EQPlayers website and on the forums as I make myself comfortable for my return home! |
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On the forums, you'll see a new section opening called The Torture Chamber. I'll be using that area to start various discussions in which everyone will be invited to participate. For now, I'd like to thank everyone for the welcomes thus far and I look forward to Sincerely, Lydia Pope ~ Zatozia |
Dark Elf Cleric of Innoruuk
Za-to-zia (Eeeevil) the Tor-tur-ess in the Sha-dows (Mistress)
Za-to-zia = Zuh-toe-zsuh
(For zsuh, the zs is similar to zs in zsa, as in Zsa Zsa Gabor darling!)
~ The Birth ~
When Innoruuk, the Prince of Hate, abducted the High Elf King and Queen from city of Takish Hiz, he imprisoned them on the Plane of Hate where he tortured and broke them recreating them according to his own design. The Dark Elves were born and deposited into Nektulos Forest to spread their hatred throughout Norrath.
Innoruuk, not trusting the race he created long ago from peaceful High Elves, decided he needed to create a being that he could be sure that would be full of hatred. He gathered the bones of the many victims off the ground. Needing something to connect the bones, the dark prince pulled several pieces of hair from his own head. Once the bones were connected, he used his fingers to cut flesh from his own body and wrapped it around cold bones. He placed this mold of hatred onto a long table and gathered his priests for a resurrection ceremony.
The Clerics of Innoruuk formed a circle around the table and held one hand over the table. Innoruuk cut a finger off each of the clerics and the blood poured into the body. He then cut a slice into one of his own fingers and watched the blood flow into his new creation. He picked up some torches off the ground and burned this mold with the flames. The flesh attached itself to the bones and formed a layer of skin. After the flesh was complete, The Prince picked up this being and rinsed it off in a pool of blood and placed it back on the table. The Clerics cast the spell resurrection on the body bringing it to life. Innoruuk then cast a chilling spell on it, which froze the skin turned it deep blue.
The being rose up from the table and opened its eyes. Innoruuk placed black plated armor on it and gave it the two torches that he had used to form the skin. With the blood of the Clerics and Innoruuk's blood flowing through the body, this creature would become a superior Cleric of hatred with high resurrection skills to bring back the hated dead. He called this being Zatozia and commanded her to torture all followers who would pledge to ignore his will of hate; those living life with peace in their hearts.
Thus, the Birth of Zatozia the Torturess.
~The Rebirth ~
Many years later, Innoruuk's plans for his torturing creation drastically changed. With the wave of a hand, Innoruuk summoned Zatozia the Torturess to his side. She looked upon her creator and awaited his orders.
"Your work thus far has proven to be quite valuable, my spawn of evil," Innoruuk said as he looked down at his creation. "But the time has come for you to undertake a new path. I have created a portal to transfer you into the past time of this world. Yes, the past. I am not pleased with how the other Gods have managed to progress. You must portal back to the past and torture all those who oppose me. Stop them from progressing at all cost. The other Gods must be weakened by torturing their followers. Do not let their minions travel so freely. Go now!"
Zatozia the Torturess smiled with an evil grin and then walked through the portal to the past.