The EverQuest Hall of Fame
The EverQuest Hall of Fame has recently been updated! The Hall of Fame features adventurers who earned titles, artifacts, items named after their characters from the Legends server, won contests and forum challenges, and more.
Sep 29, 2007
Welcome to the EverQuest Hall of Fame!
The Hall of Fame features EverQuest adventurers who earned titles, artifacts, items named after their characters from the Legends server, won contests and forum challenges, and more. Over the years, many events, contests, challenges and other activities that gave adventurers a chance to make their mark in the world have taken place. There has never been a place to truly highlight these unique achievements until now! Did your character earn an artifact in a historical event in the past? Perhaps you earned a title from winning a Best of the Best. If you feel you qualify to be added to the Hall of Fame, head over to The Torture Chamber on the official forums to respond to the official EverQuest Hall of Fame Add Me Thread. Zatozia the Torturess Community Relations Manager
--- Updated: 9/28/07 --- Recent Updates: - A few formatting changes have been made to make it slightly easier for me to update the information in the future.
- An Items Section has been added.
- A Welcome Section (Home) has been added.
- Category links have been added.
Coming Soon: - Titles: I have a list of over 5000 possible titles that I still need to look through and verify.
- Items: I know there are a few more artifacts out there. I'm still compiling a complete list of the people that received them.
Notes: - If you submit that you acquired a title or artifact item in the add me thread, please do not forget to list the event.
Coming Less than Soon: - Eventually I would like to link the character names to the EQPlayers character profiles. I will not be working on this until I finish adding the bulk of the entries. Once I get the remainder of the bulk of the people listed, I'll be looking further into doing this. It will require determining name changes, server changes, and more so it will not be a quick process.
Next Update: - No ETA! It takes a lot to gather and format the information for this. I hope to have another update within the next two weeks though. That's the best estimate I can give right now. I have already reviewed many of the people on the add me thread and have additional ones to add as well.
Until next time… | |
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The EverQuest Hall of Fame