Steamfont Mountains: Past and Present - 10/19/07
The Steamfont Mountains revamp will be going live with the Game Update on Thursday, October 25th. Read part of the lore surrounding this area and view a photo gallery look at the changes that were made.
Oct 19, 2007
Steamfont Mountains Revamp The sounds of gnomish cheers and clockwork gears echo throughout the continent of Faydwer as the Steamfont Mountains transforms its appearance. Read part of the lore surrounding this area and view a photo gallery look at the changes that were made.
Background Lore: Named for the natural geysers and springs found in its rocky peaks, these mountains surround the gnome city of Ak'Anon. It is known that the dragons had once dwelled here, for the fossilized remains of very young dragon can be viewed inside a small valley. The presence of Steamfont's drakes also indicates that the region may once have had some greater significance to the children of Veeshan. However, that history was lost long before the arrival of the elves or the surfacing of the gnomes. Today, Steamfont acts as a training ground for young gnomish pupils, as well as for those elves and dwarves that brave the dangerous trek through the Lesser Faydark. Minotaurs from the mines of Meldrath are among the most challenging foes due to their social and cooperative nature. The mountains of Steamfont are bordered by the Lesser Faydark to the east, and the gates to the glorious subterranean city of Ak'Anon to the far west – gates installed safely within a mountain face and heavily guarded by some o f Ak'Anon's most renown warriors.
Photo Gallery: |
Here's a comparison of the old and new Steamfont Mountains |
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The Forum Hodgepodge - 10/18/07
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