Here are some spooky adventures that were thrown by EQ Community Members during the Haunting of Norrath.
Rise of the Pyrilen
Written by Community Member Jezzica It was a dark and stormy night (isn't it always) as Andorra and her party finally settled down after a long day of fighting the minions of Overlord Mata Muram in the Muramite Proving Grounds. .Although the ground was cold and uncomfortable, this corner of the zone seemed relatively free of intrusion from the nocs, dragorn and other unpleasant beasties that called this part of the world home. But tonight was to be no ordinary night. Tonight, on All-Hallow-Even, Andorra dreamt strange dreams; dreams filled with fire. And when she awoke, she knew that by coming here, on this night of all nights, she had irrevocably changed the destinies of herself, her friends, and possibly the whole of Norrath.
When Andorra and her companions Ptah, Bomilcar and Filc awoke the next morning, they discovered that they had made camp next to a strange blue crystalline formation. Andorra felt herself inexplicably drawn towards it, as if being guided by some higher power. It made her feel... hungry.
As Andorra reached out to touch the strange crystal her companions tried to stop her, but by the time they reached her all four were pulled through into a strange new world filled with fire and ice. The group attempted to get their bearings, and Andorra heard a strange voice calling to her. "Follow the light," the voice said; "destroy all that oppose you".
Eventually the group reached the source of the summons. The creature Taromani, a pyrilen, asked each in the party how strong their devotion was to the elimination of Overlord Mata Muram and how much they were willing to risk in the pursuit of his demise. She explained that her kind and the gelidrans had been split from each other due to the jealousy of the god Bealu, and that subsequently they had been enslaved to Mata Muram. However, Taromani was leading the effort to rebel, primarily by teaching the Priests of Discord to open portals to Kuua, as well as providing individuals with protection against the evil magics in Mata Muram's citadel of anguish. With trepidation, the party pledged their assistance in this effort.
"FOOLS!" Taromani's voice rang out across Riftseekers' Sanctum; "How quick you short-lives are to pledge yourself to a cause you do not even understand. Very well then, you have now set yourselves on a path that cannot be altered. I now summon the power of fire to facilitate the emergence of the chosen one; the one pyrilen that will roam free from this prison in which I reside; whose magic will not be contained!" With this pronouncement, Taromani began to cast a spell. Suddenly Ptah, Bomilcar and Filc found themselves trapped in the bodies of fire imps, unable to fight or to flee. Taromani turned to Andorra. "You are now bound to me," she pronounced, "go forth from here as I cannot and seek out places of power in the planes of Decay, Nightmare and Hate. Take this dagger that I have imbued with my essence and use it to create and equip a being of fire worthy of my notice. When this task is accomplished we shall commune again beneath the streets of Qeynos."
Suddenly, the group found themselves.. elsewhere. The walls were dripping with green ichor and there was a stink of rotting corpses in the air. Andorra looked at her companions with sorrow in her eyes as she clenched Taromani's dagger.
Her former companions, the fire imps, gathered around the altar with their eyes begging for escape. Andorra found herself filled with a sudden rage. Her vision narrowed as she saw a huge chimera suddenly fill the room. She leapt forward and plunged her dagger into its heart. At that moment the chimera faded and Andorra realized what she had done. The corpse of her companion Filc lay crumpled on the stone slab.
Taromani's dagger glowed a deep red, and from the corpse of Filc arose a fire elemental. "Greetings Mistress," the fire elemental intoned, "it is my pleasure to join with you". As Andorra looked into the elemental's eyes, she felt a stirring deep within her. Perhaps, she thought, Filc's life would now serve a greater purpose. She grinned slightly as she motioned for the remaining imps to follow her to pay their respects to their fallen companion.
Although the group arrived in the early afternoon, the graveyard was dark and the skies were an odd shade of purple. The distant screams of ravens and the furtive rustling of trees, broken free from their bond to the earth, drowned out the incantations Andorra found herself reciting.
Her eyes locked with those of the fire elemental, Andorra raised the dagger high and pointed it at Ptah. The fire imp that had been Ptah looked away as Andorra began to cast a spell.
Soon Ptah's lifeless corpse had joined the others in the graveyard. Taromani's dagger became hot to the touch as Ptah's corpse dissolved. In its place a club of fire appeared in the hands of the fire elemental. "We must hurry now," the elemental spoke, "the next step of the ritual must be completed in a place of hatred". "I know just the place," Andorra thought. As she gestured to the imp that was once Bomilcar, her eyes glowed with fire reflected from the elemental.
In the early evening they arrived. With a feeling of urgency Andorra quickly summoned the last imp to the well that reached deep into the bowels of Hatred. She executed the imp that was once her companion with little thought and much satisfaction.
The fire elemental reached into the corpse and ripped out its soul, forming it into a second brand of fire. With the approach of midnight, the fire elemental and Andorra rushed to the dark underbelly of Qeynos.
Andorra followed the elemental through the dark and damp corridors of the Qeynos aqueducts, moving more and more quickly until they finally reached their destination. The elemental stepped into the circle and beckoned to Andorra to join it.
As Andorra stepped into the circle she felt herself pulled towards the elemental. Incredible pain seared through her body as her essence meshed with that of the creature. As the torment began to ebb, Andorra could hear the voice of Taromani inside her. "At last," the voice whispered to Andorra, "one of us is free and loosed upon the world. Go forth from here and let all of Norrath tremble at the power of the pyrilen."
And so it came that on the evening of All Hallows Day the pyrilen named Andorra found herself flying through the Plane of Knowledge. Alighting atop the Great Library, Andorra vowed to find a way to free her trapped brethren in Riftseekers' Sanctum... tomorrow. Tonight there were many denizens of Norrath that would need to become acquainted with the power of the pyrilen... personally.
The End
Innania's Halloween Hunt!
Written by Community Member Zanderon Since Innania was in PoK with money on hand, she sent these shouts ringing across the land...
"Attention one, attention all! It is the best part of the fall! Ask any ghost, ghoul or fiend and they'll tell you that it's Halloween! I found some costumes (just my size!) and scrounged up some money for a prize! So find me and the prize is won, it's "thirsty" work but should be fun! Just remember I can change my face, so look for the thing that's out of place! So if you have time, or you are free, see if you can come find me!" Then Innania hid in plain sight, and turned into a floating light!
Then Kalli, the barbarian who throughout Halas was famed, found Innania and 1,000 platinum claimed!
Now that the game seemed to be running hot, Innania decided to re-offer the jackpot!
"A prize was claimed," she shouted, "but I'm not done! More prizes still there are to be won! Next look for a shorty who's far from home, in a place where pirates roam! So look where was found a legendary stone, and the next prize you will own!" Innania waited and waited, but to no avail. It seemed certain that the game would fail!
A Shadowknight named Rikka knew just what to do, and helped out the players with this special clue...
"Innania still has not been seen. While hiding on this Halloween. Since the Drogmar have a smell that matches their size, Innania has decided to double the prize!" At first it seemed that the 2,000 platinum would not go, but then came the Drakkin named Dragano!
Another round seemed like the thing to do, so back to PoK went Innania with another clue!
"A wizened hermit likes mushrooms, she likes them a ton. But, she's not the only one! So follow her clues to my next hiding space (although you might smell me before you see my face!) Find me first, don't delay, and you'll take home 3,000 platinum today!"
She waited and waited, but time would not stand still. So she sped things up with help from Rakkoril! So he went to PoK and with some ado, offered a new incentive and a new clue!
"Since Innania still has not been found, she'll up the ante and make this the last round! She's in woods as thick as a dumb pally's head, and you won't get platinum but a Taaffeite instead!"
And as any follower of Bristlebane would know how, the joke was figured out and along came Dargbow! There was a puff of smoke, and Innania could no longer be seen. Perhaps she'll be back on next Halloween!
For view more haunting stories and to share your own, visit the
Spur of the Moment Haunting Party thread over on the official EverQuest forums.