Do you ever feel like it takes a while to travel around the world? Our friends over at Caster's Realm have provided us with this teleportation guide that was written by Community Member Somenex a few years ago.
An Overview of the Teleportation System in EverQuest
written by Community Member Somenex Caster Bind and Gate All pure casters and priests receive, at various levels, the ability to cast Bind Affinity at almost any place in the EverQuest game world. This in turn allows them to cast Gate for a once-off one-way teleport to that location from almost any other. Druid Circles and Wizard Portals Druids receive self-only 'Ring' spells and group 'Circle' spells as they level that allow them to teleport themselves or others to a variety of locations across the game world. The number of places they can travel has slowly been increased as the game world has grown. These spells are usually no fail, assuming they are not interrupted, but a small number of their teleport spells are 'Evac' spells. They include a small chance to allow one group-member to be left behind. While Druid rings are found in many zones, not all of them are active. Many Druid teleport locations are either surrounded by good aligned NPCs or are located in places where mid- to high-level NPCs can agro you when you zone-in. It's a good idea to be familiar with where you're going. Evil-aligned characters should almost always use an invisibility spell or illusion of some kind when traveling with a druid. Wizards receive self-only 'Gate' spells and group 'Portal' spells that allow them to teleport themselves or others to a variety of locations across the game world. The number of places they can travel has slowly been increased as the game world has grown. These spells are usually no fail, assuming they are not interrupted, but a small number of their teleport spells are 'Evac' spells. They include a small chance to allow one group-member to be left behind. Wizards can teleport to most zones that contain a Wizard Spire. Some teleport spells, usually those to zones with smaller spires, may require a component in order to be cast. Wizard Spires are almost always located in neutral areas inside zones, but may or may not be nearby NPCs that will agro based on alignment. It's a good idea to be familiar with where you're going. If you do teleport to a location you're not familiar with, it's usually safe to stay near or on the Wizard spires. A few Wizard Teleport areas will cause players to zone-in within locations that are close to high-level NPCs that can agro you when you zone in. These areas are located mostly in Velious and The Planes. Wizard Translocates At higher levels, Wizards receive 'Translocate' spells, which allow them to teleport others without teleporting themselves. These spells work in an almost identical fashion to their 'Portal' spells, but mean that the Wizard doesn't travel along with the person he cast the spell on. Wizards receive a special translocate spell at higher levels that will translocate his target to his or her bind-point. This is essentially a targeted gate spell. Players whom translocate spells are cast upon will have the opportunity to avoid them if necessary. Timorous Deep Firepot Room The Timorous Deep Firepot Room is an artifact of the Combine Empire that may or may not have been used as a developer tool that was released to players during the Kunark expansion. There are many rumors about this place, almost none of which have been confirmed. The Firepot Room is located in the Timorous Deep zone, underwater at loc -12260, +4365. A person interested in entering it will have to swim down, through the top of a building that looks like a Wizard Spire, and into an empty, air-filled room. Around this room sit different kinds of pots, each of which will cause the person who clicks on one to zone to a different location-- inside one of the player cities. Because cities can be highly factional, players should choose which firepot they click on with care. A Dark Elf who zones into Kaladim, for example, won't last very long. The Firepots are effectively one-way transporters. Another danger to the Firepot room is the fact that the Dragon Faydedar is occasionally present nearby. He is very small, but is just as powerful as the Dragon Nagafen. Faydedar spawns in response to a turn-in quest and will be killed quickly after he spawns. If you see him near you, however, you should zone as soon as possible. The Nexus The Nexus is another teleportation device created by the ancient Combine empire. It was introduced during the Shadows of Luclin expansion. Unlike the Firepot Room, it is still maintained. Players can travel to and from the Nexus by hailing an NPC at any of the Greater Wizard spires across Norrath. Teleportation between Norrath and Luclin occurs every fifteen minutes. This can greatly shorten the time it takes to travel across Norrath. The Plane of Knowledge The Plane of Knowledge was introduced during the Planes of Power expansion as one of the new areas that all players could explore. It contains a very powerful teleportation system that can be used by almost all players. Denizens of the Plane of Knowledge created statues of books in many locations around Norrath and Luclin. Clicking on these books will cause the player to teleport to the Plane of Knowledge near a stone with the name of a city on it. Clicking on any of these stones will cause the player to teleport to the book statue nearest the city named on the stone. The net effect is that all cities and 'newbie' areas are linked via this system. While the Plane of Knowledge books are generally located in safe areas, they may be near city guards, which are very powerful and can kill even experienced players very quickly. General knowledge of the locations you're interested in traveling to and the gratuitous use of invisibility spells is highly recommended. Efficient use of the Plane of Knowledge can aid even very low level players in traveling rapidly across the world. Wayfarer's Brotherhood Farstone Magic Characters in the Wayfarer's Brotherhood provided a new teleportation service after the release of the Lost Dungeons of Norrath Expansion. Hailing an NPC Magus at any of the Wayfarer's Brotherhood camps would cause you to be translocated to whichever of the other camps you requested. While not as functional or wide-spread as the Plane of Knowledge system, this new system of teleportation is very helpful. It's designed mainly as a method for players to locate places where they can easily find groups with which to adventure. Use of this system requires a short, easy 'Quiz' quest for a key item. This quest starts with an NPC in your character's hometown and ends at any of the Wayfarer's camps. It can be completed by any level character. Gate Items There are a few items in-game that carry spells that cast gate or a gate to a particular location. In particular, there is a hammer quested in The Overthere, a 'Worker's Sledgemallet' that can be used to teleport the player back to The Overthere. There is also a pottery item that can be crafted in Thurgadin called 'A Vial of Velium Vapors' that causes the user to gate to Thurgadin. Clerics may obtain or make various 'Faithstones', which will gate them to an appropriate temple in their home city. Druids may obtain 'Xanthe's Earring of Nature', which will teleport them and their group to the Dreadlands. Use of these items depends on extensive questing and/or tradeskill ability. Other tradeskill gate items include race-specific 'Faithstones' and 'Spiritstones' which are useable by clerics and shamans to gate to their home cities. Teleport Map Guide

# Neutral Faction
+ Good Faction
- Evil Faction
! High Agro
Nexus - Violet Lines
# Great Divide
# North Karana
# Greater Faydark
# Dreadlands
# Toxxula Forest
Timorous Deep Firepots - Red Arrows
Fire on floor - Grobb/Gukta
Faceted gray pot - Oggok
Tall faceted pot - Erudin
Faceted grey pot - Neriak Commons
Square wooden pot - Greater Faydark
Faceted brown pot - Felwithe
Square brown box - Halasv Blue pot - Freeport
Gold vase - Cabilis
White marble - Kaladim
Lava Lamp - AK'Anon
Torch Stand - Rivervale
Plane of Knowledge Portals - Blue Lines
Neutral Side:
# Nexus
# Shadeweaver's Thicket
# Great Divide
+ Qeynos
# West Freeport
+ Steamfont Mountains
# Plane of Tranquility
+ Firiona Vie
Good Side:
+ Butcherblock Mountains
+ Greater Faydark (2)
+ Halas
+ Toxxula Forest (2)
+ Misty Thicket Evil Side:
- Nektulos Forest
- Feerot
+ Innothule Swamp
- Field of Bone
- Toxxula Forest (2)
- The Overthere
Wayfarer's Farstone Magi - Gold Lines
# East Commons
# North Ro
# South Ro
# Everfrost Mountains
# Butcherblock Mountains
Shipping Translocators
Translocators are located at any 'Dock' area.
Druid Circles - Light Green Circles
+ Surefall Glade
+ North Karana
# West Karana
+ Misty Thicket
+ West Commons
# South Ro
# The Feerott
# Lavastorm Mountains
# Toxxulia Forest
# Stonebrunt Mountains
# Butcherblock Mountains
# Steamfont Mountains
# Dreadlands
! Skyfire Mountains
! Emerald Jungle
# Great Divide
! Iceclad Ocean
! Cobalt Scar
! Wakening Lands
# The Nexus
# Griming Forest
# Twilight Sea
! Dawnshroud Peaks
# Plane of Knowledge
Wizard Portals - Dark Green Circles
# North Karana
# West Karana
! Cazic-Thule
+ Nektulos Forest
# West Commons
# North Ro
# Toxxulia Forest
# Stonebrunt Mountains
# Greater Faydark
# Dreadlands
! Emerald Jungle
! Skyfire Mountains
# Great Divide
! Iceclad Ocean
! Cobalt Scar
! Wakening Lands
# Nexus
# Grimling Forest
# Twilight Sea
! Dawnshroud Peaks
! Plane of Hate
! Plane of Sky
# Plane of Knowledge
To offer more tips on teleporting, join the Teleportation System in EverQuest discussion thread over on the official EverQuest forums.