Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums

What was it about EQ that you were drawn to? – Discussion started by Community Member ClericMan
Overcrowded zones where you had to wait for hours to get into a group. The limited number of places you could go and get exp from as you leveled. You remember, SolB until 45? Having to run through 3 zones to get your corpse and spend 3 hours doing. Seeking port to East Commons...anyone? 50p. As you can tell most of these are mostly complaints but for me that was what drew me to the game. It all boiled down to group and guild level social interaction, which to me, just isn't there anymore. Id like to see SOE find a way to bring some of that back

Visible illusion should be separate buff for ALL classes – Discussion started by Community Member Mirthe
If the change on test described in this thread is true, it should be extended to other classes as well. In particular, as a bard, I ALWAYS have to have my werewolf illusion (from Velks lute) on, because of the ~100atk it adds (and incidentally v1 haste, though not important), which stacks with almost everything. So I always look like a werewolf. This stinks, since I have a bag of other illusions I would like to use! This is the same logic that necros have been using, to suggest that they be able to be something other than a skelly. What's the fun of being one of three classes (enc/bard/rog) with lots of illusions available, if you're tied to just one? If it's true that the visible illusion of the necro lich line has been broken out into two buffs, please carry this over for other such buffs as well. I would love to be able to click off the visible illusion, and turn into something else! I would gladly "give up" the 1 buff slot needed for the visual effect, to be able to click it off when desired.

Loot Drop From a 54 Man Raid – Discussion started by Community Member Gnomereaper
Right now we're seeing a "return" to the old style method of 1 mold, 1 drop, and 2 runes. In TSS we had 2 runes, 2 molds, and 2 normal drop. However this was a "bug," which I must add that people were quite satisfied with getting armor molds in a timely manner. In TBS we went to a system of "armor or spells" and people picked armor over spells, so very, very few have their Rk3's from that expansion. To be honest I liked the TSS expansion loot system, except for the raid weapon drop rates. You had enough gear that you shuffled through the ranks and then had few rots as you could then in turn gear your apps well. This is the trickle down system and the real problem that's neglected with current and future raiders. While I do not believe in giving new raiders an easy pass into raid land, however raiding transitioning or skipping a sizable tier to go to a higher tier guild should be a few weeks process. Not something that will take several months, assuming you are in full farm mode.

What role does each class have in a group? – Discussion started by Community Member CresteGauss
Hi everyone! I am fairly new to EQ but have played several of the newer MMOs somewhat extensively, so I know I really can't stand soloing. What defines a class for me is what its role in a group will be, since the coordinated environment of grouping is what makes MMOs interesting. I'm thinking of giving EQ a serious try since the Mines of Gloomingdeep trial was a lot more difficult and interesting than WoW or LoTRO, and the reason I want a change from those games is that most of the things you accomplish in them feel extremely easy and superficial. However, before I sit down and start leveling up a main character, it would be quite helpful if anyone could give me a brief summary of what each of the 16 (!) classes' role in a group becomes once the early levels are left behind and the focus - for leveling up and for advancement - turns to group dynamics and teamwork. I know that sometimes the role you expect for your class ends up being very different from what you're actually doing most of the time, so figuring out the place a given class has in groups is a huge factor in creating my characters. I can assume things (like rogue = DPS), but trust the opinion of actual players more. Small-group roles matter more to me than raid jobs, if that affects anything.

Convergence – Discussion started by Community Member -Kela-the-Gypsy-
The idea I'm about to propose is one that would be incredibly code intensive and require significant amounts of work. It is also one that could be the foundation for a future expansion and be a great direction for games to go in the future. Merge all of the servers. Before you laugh and close the page, hear me out. If everyone were in one place, a great variety of problems would be relieved. Guilds wouldn't have issues recruiting players. New people to the game wouldn't be frightened off by empty newbie zones. The new unified server would be flexible and allow players to come together from all over the game. With everyone in one place, the guide program would have more of a positive effect and GMs could return to make public appearances since they wouldn't require an army of a staff to cover each server equally. Nobody would ever log off and complain that they couldn't find a group again. Instead of being desperate to find people to play with...they'd get to choose what to do.

Next Fabled Anniversary – Discussion started by Community Member Fazin-TP
I have been keeping up with the info given out by the dev and the last one was at the developer chat several months ago. There it was suggested that it was unlikely Time would be fabled (which is understandable considering the amount of work involved). It was also eluded that since most everything else is scripted as well, it was also unlikely it would be fabled as well. It was also mentioned that this would be brought up to a meeting and debated. I was wondering if there has been any discussion and is there any plan being put into place or is pop will be skipped in the fabled anniversary? Any information that could be provided would be appreciated.

EverQuest Trivia #318 – Game started by Community Member Pharsyde, the winner of EverQuest Trivia #317.