On the Town of: Oggok - 2/01/08
Located in the dense jungles of Feerott region and tucked into a cavernous, rocky area, Oggok appears to be, at first glance, a rather ordinary group of small, rough caves. Once inside, however, a maze of tunnels and caverns opens up.
Feb 01, 2008
Overview of Oggok In general, Oggok is a place most non-ogres pray they never see. Ogres are brutal, but have a strong sense of tradition – and a twisted sense of honor. Located in the dense jungles of Feerott region and tucked into a cavernous, rocky area, Oggok appears to be, at first glance, a rather ordinary group of small, rough caves. Once inside, however, a maze of tunnels and caverns opens up. The city of Oggok was built shortly before Murdunk's tragic fall in Lake Rathetear and the defeat of Zek's primal empire upon Norrath. The original founders of the city were not directly affected by the curse imposed upon Zek's mortal creations. However, the first-born children of these settlers immediately showed signs of the horrible curse. Generations passed, and the last of the "pure" ogres faded out of memory. The city's original structures were soundly engineered and covered with intricate tribal carvings that paid tribute to their great heroes and legends. Unfortunately, the new, cursed ogres were incapable of the quality craftsmanship of their ancestors. As eras passed, the city of Oggok became transformed to resemble its new, brutish inhabitants. The grand archways, arenas, statues, stone-carved murals and pillars were replaced by stone slabs piled atop one another. Today, merely a few remnants of the Oggok of old can be seen by the keen-eyed visitor. The modern city of Oggok is still quite bustling, housing many taverns, inns, a bank, and three guild houses. The city of Neriak is Oggok's trade partner and is a source of prosperity despite the blatant economic advantage the Teir'Dal take of these dim-witted behemoths. Such exploitation goes on without notice by the ogres, which is fortunate indeed for the comparably frail Teir'Dal knights. |
Guildmasters Oggok has a guildmaster for each class that is available to Ogres. Spell and tome merchants are also available for those classes. Here is a list of the main guildmasters: - Guntrik - (Warrior)
- Soonog - (Shadow Knight)
- Baddi Waca - (Berserker)
- Bordag - (Beastlord)
- Zulort - (Shaman)
| City Resources Oggok provides the basic necessities of adventuring: Bankers, a Soulbinder, a Tribute Master, Task Masters, augmentation needs, and merchants that sell backpacks, ale, bandages, food, drink, and fishing gear. You'll also find a Priest of Discord, Tradeskill Quest Masters, tradeskill crafting objects, and supply merchants for alchemy, baking, pottery, fletching, tailoring, and blacksmithing. |
Places of Interest
| Greenblood Rock The shrine known as Greenblood Rock is dedicated to the ogre's divine creator, Rallos Zek. Built in splendor by the original ogres of Oggok, the temple has since been reduced to a simple rock on a raised dais, coated with blood. Still, the temple's purpose has remained unchanged. The ogres kill any "weak" or unruly members of their tribe by tying them to the temple rock, then beating them to death with clubs. The temple is also used in ceremonial, gladiatorial battles, commemorating the anniversary of Murdunk's first triumph over the people of Norrath. |
The Shaman Guild The Greenblood Shaman, also known as the Shaman of War, is the shaman guild. They are greatly feared by all other ogres and work closely with the Greenblood Knights. Shaman live and train in the cave system adjacent to the Rock. Zulort is the High Shaman of The Greenbloods. His son Torzox is his successor and a powerful Shaman in his own right. | |
Death's Rain (also known as Clurg's) This popular tavern is run by Clurg, one of the most respected ogres in all of Oggok – second only to the high shaman of the Greenbloods. Clurg's family has run the tavern for generations, keeping it a place of calm by enforcing a no-fight policy. Remarkably, all ogres respect the rules of the tavern - it's how it has always been. |
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Legend has it that Murdunk himself visited the tavern, but his mug of fine ogre brew was spilled when a fight broke out. Aside from tipping his drink, the fight cost the life of the proprietor's daughter who had been caught in the fray. Enraged, Murdunk dragged those responsible outside and pummeled them to death with his steel mug and fist. When finished, Murdunk decreed that no brawling was to occur in an establishment that he frequented (mind you, this was before the curse of Zek). Ever since, the tradition has been upheld in Death's Rain, the only establishment in Oggok that Murdunk visited. Needless to say, anyone who breaks the tradition and starts trouble will be taken to the Rock and beaten to death for dishonoring Murdunk's wishes. |
| Murdunk Palace Although this is called a Palace it is little more than a large cave where the guild of Ogre shadow knights, the Greenblood Knights, train and live. It also guards the entrance to an inner cavern that most Ogres consider sacred. Anyone who is not a Greenblood Knight or Shaman who enters this place is attacked. The warriors of this Guild follow the traditions of the great Ogre hero Murdunk as well as worshipping Rallos Zek. Soonog is the current leader of the Greenbloods and leadership is changed through mortal combat. |
Fortress Craknek This cave houses the Craknek Warriors guild and its leader Guntrik. Guntrik is one of the strongest Ogres around and he holds a great resentment for Soonog, the head of the Greenblood Knights because they rejected him. Merchants here sell various weapons and other supplies for younger warriors. |
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The Welcome Mat Here Angrog sells food and the other basic supplies for adventuring. | Boxtripper's This is the shop of merchant Brokk Boxtripper. He sells various types of satchels and boxes. |
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Grop's Guards Grop is a merchant that sells different types of larger shields. | Cikoona's Hack, Bash, 'n' Jab Merchant Cikoona sells various weapons and battle supplies. |
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Metil Armer Inside this shop, merchants sell large chain and plate armor. Outside, a merchant sells large plate and shield molds and other smithing supplies. This shop also houses a forge and a Trade Skill Quest Master. | Lether Armer Merchants here sell large leather and cloth armor. |
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The Humidor Here you will find a shaman trainer and merchants selling alchemy items and blunt weapons. | The Ded End Merchants Erung and Crunga can be found here selling food and general supplies. Bakers can also make use of the oven in this shop. |
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Oggok's Keep
This is the bank of Oggok. |
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On the Town of: Oggok thread over on the official EverQuest forums.
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