SOE will be hosting a weekend of major tournament events where players can receive extraordinary promotional cards and in-game loot rewards! New "Loot Tournament Weekend" tournament queues, where players can receive new promotional and loot cards will be running all weekend long. Each event will start when all slots have been filled in the tournament.
Each player who participates in one of these tournaments will receive a King Tormax, Lord of the Storm Giants (3P3) promotional card and a choice of either an EverQuest® Familiar of Phara Dar or EverQuest® II Fury of Di'Zok loot card! Please note that participation is limited to U.S. residents only.

Familiar of Phara Dar: Summons a small azure dragon familiar.

Fury of Di'Zok: Shapechanges you into a Sarnak with a Mental Damage Shield.
To play in one of these events, head over to the tournament lobby on March 22nd and/or 23rd and join the next available tournament queue. Below are specific details of this event and what you may expect.
Tournament Times
Beginning at 7:00 a.m. (PST) on Saturday, March 22, 2008 and continuing through 9:00 p.m. (PST) Sunday, March 23, 2008.
Loot Tournament Weekend Event
- Entry Fee: 10 Event Passes (each player will receive at least 3 booster packs plus two (2) limited cards for participating!)
- Format/Deck: Standard Constructed
- Queue Size: 64-Player
- 1st Place: Eight (8) Inquisitor Booster Packs
- 2nd Place: Seven (7) Inquisitor Booster Packs
- 3rd Place: Six (6) Inquisitor Booster Packs
- 4th Place: Six (6) Inquisitor Booster Packs
- 5th – 25th Place: Four (4) Inquisitor Booster Packs
- Remaining Entrants: Three (3) Inquisitor Booster Packs
Each player will receive a King Tormax, Lord of the Storm Giants (3P3) promo card and a choice of either a Familiar of Phara Dar (3EQP2) or Fury of Di'Zok (3EQIIP2) promotional loot card.
So come and play -- starting March 22nd. We look forward to seeing you there!
For more news and information, visit the Legends of Norrath official website.