Part 1 – Remembering the Past and Planning the Future

Part 2 – Happy Faces, Happy Places

As she opened the front door of the Torture Chamber, Zatozia watched a thick envelope fall to the floor. She took the envelope inside and opened it up. The envelope was full of pictures, video discs, and journals of adventure. She glanced over the pictures and journals, and watched the videos.

    Journal of Community Member Tharkis:
      "My luggage got lost on the way home too =( I've got all my pictures up and captioned already though!
      The 2007 Las Vegas Fan Faire. Fan Faire was awesome as always."

    Video by Community Member Lynxaria

"Happy people," she muttered. "Every year it's always the same. Why do they get so happy attending these things? They surround themselves with people they've never met but still managed to have fun. They gulp down several versions of ale, wine, but still manage to remember who they are in the morning. They tell stories about their adventurers in Norrath, the good, the bad, and ugly misfortunes. Why would that make them happy?"

The Torturess walked over to a mirror hanging on one of the decrepit walls of her chamber and smiled into it with an evil grin. The face on the other side of the mirror begin to smile back but all of sudden the grin didn't appear to be evil.

The dark elf took a few steps and turned away from the mirror. When she turned back to mirror, the face said, "You won't like me when I'm Happy," and then disappeared.

Zatozia looked over at the pictures, videos, and journals and paused for a few moments. She then walked over to her desk, picked up her torch and looked up at the skeleton in the cage.

To be continued…

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