July 2, 2008 - July 11, 2008 That time of year is almost here... The time when SOE players from near and far gather in one place to celebrate their favorite MMOs by engaging in fun, food and fraternization! But there will be some that walk among the crowd... a couple players so respected by their gaming peers that they will have the distinct honor of being crowned SOE's second annual Players of the Year! Will you be one of them? To celebrate the 2008 Las Vegas Fan Faire (Aug. 14-17), Sony Online Entertainment will select and bring two lucky players to the Hilton Hotel to join in the festivities. So, here's your chance to nominate a friend (or even yourself) for this coveted title! We want to know who YOU think is the most deserving and why. From Wednesday, July 2, 2008, (12:01 am, US Pacific Time) through Friday, July 11, 2008 at (11:59 pm, US Pacific Time), Sony Online Entertainment will be hosting the Official Fan Faire "Players of the Year" contest. Participating games include EverQuest, EverQuest II, Star Wars Galaxies, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, EverQuest Online Adventures, The Matrix Online and PlanetSide. Good luck to everyone and we hope to see you all in Las Vegas for Fan Faire!  Contest: Do you know someone who is the poster child for your MMO? Someone so dedicated that they walk around bloodshot and sleep deprived in their favorite wrinkled gaming T-shirts and baseball caps (what else would they be wearing?). Someone who goes so above and beyond the call of duty helping other community members in-game, out-of-game and everywhere in-between that they're practically an online Mother Theresa? Well, they just might be the perfect candidate for SOE Player of the Year and we want to know more about them! Nominate a fellow player (or yourself) by writing a 200 word (or less) letter or role-play story explaining why the person deserves to be an SOE Player of the Year. Optional - you can also include a link to an image (screen capture, artwork, video or photo) with your entry as support for your story but please note that a written submission is still required.  How to Enter: Please view the Official Contest Rules to determine eligibility for this contest before submitting an entry. Submissions should be sent in an e-mail to SOEContests@soe.sony.com. Be sure to include all of the following information with your submission: - Subject of Email: SOE Player of the Year - Main Game Name (Include game name in the subject).
- Real Name:
- Character Name:
- Server Name:
- Station Name: (User Name - do no include passwords)
- Mailing Address: (Street Address Apt #, City, Zip Code - Do not use PO Box)
- Forum Community Handle: (If applicable)
- E-mail Address:
- Submission Text:
- The written entry can be placed directly in the body of the email.
- Written entries should be plain text (.txt), word document (.doc), or rich text (.rtf).
- Entries should be in Times New Roman text format, font size 12.
- Please do not use indents, smiley faces, or all caps and avoid slang terms unless it fits within the theme of your entry.
- Spell out server names, city names, and other terminology as much as possible.
- Please use spell checker before submitting the entry. Entries will be reviewed for typos but those that require too much editing may be disqualified.
- Length: 200 words or less.
Additional Nomination Submission Information: - If you are nominating someone as Player of the Year, you may want to let them know in case they would prefer not to be considered.
- We will not need you to include their station account or mailing address. We only need Character Name and Server name. We'll retrieve the extra information where needed.
- Be sure to have the person you are nominating update their email address on their Sony Station account.
Optional Image Information: - You can include a link to where the image (screen capture, artwork, video or photo) is hosted but all files must be hosted externally. The supporting image work will not be downloaded so it has to be readily accessible in that location.
- Do not include anything with your submission that is copyrighted.
 Contest Rules: - Please review the Official Contest Rules before submitting a nomination.
- Nominees must be an active SOE subscriber to at least one of the games with account being in good standing.
- Must be a US resident and 21 years of age.
- Please remember to stay within the Terms of Service Agreement when participating in this contest or you will be disqualified and further action may be taken. This includes inappropriate names, words, or images.
- Within the Terms of Service Agreement, it states that by submitting (e.g., uploading or transmitting) Content to an SOE Communication Feature, you automatically grant SOE the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, and fully sublicensable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display such Content (in whole or part) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed. In addition, you warrant that any and all so-called "moral rights" in the Content have been waived.