MMORPG held an EverQuest IRC Dev Chat on Wednesday, July 16th. Here’s the log from the chat and a few extra snippets:

July Dev Chat Log.

Open Chat:


*[EQ]Prathun* makes the pilsbury sound at Tharkis' "tee hee!"

*Tharkis* suawheet

*Tharkis* Ngreth would never tee hee at me, but being an ogre he was the perfect poking target

*[EQ]Prathun* he probably didn't even feel it

*Tharkis* oh, true

* Tharkis pokes Ngreth

* Ngreth growls at Tharkis

*Tharkis* well, he noticed, prat =D  not the reaction i was looking for though

*Ngreth* should I break fingers instead Tharkis?

*Tharkis* i was hoping for a pilsbury 'tee hee'

*Tharkis* i gotone out of prat!

*[EQ]Prathun* tee hee!

*Tharkis* Prathun, the pilsburry dough dev



Behind the Scenes


*MMORPG_Kunou* we all here? or more coming?

*[EQ]Aristo* Reply hazy.  Ask again later.


*[EQ]Absor* I'm fine with saying "no", btw.  I like that word a lot.  :)

*[EQ]Zatozia* Don't just say no! 8)


*[EQ]Prathun* I'll take swords for $500.

*[EQ]Zatozia* bring the $500 to my desk prathun 8)

*[EQ]Aristo* Seriously, share the wealth, Jennings.


*[EQ]Ngreth* one answer for all 3!  no!

*[EQ]Merloc* One answer for the 3 questions of men... One answer to rule them all.. blah blah blah..

*[EQ]Aristo* African or European swallow?