Overview of the Solusek's Eye

Located within the great volcano of the Lavastorm Mountains, Solusek's Eye is a set of caverns with molten lava and precious ores running through it. The depths of these lava-filled caverns are full of gnome miners, vicious kobolds, and fire goblins. The fire goblins and the fire giant - deeper within the caverns - are protectors of the great red dragon, Lord Nagafen.

Background Lore

The Solusek Mining Company, an intrepid group of gnomes, ventured to Solusek's Eye from their home city of Ak'Anon to mine ore and produce tinkered creations. To aid the excavation of this dangerous s region, the gnomes have brought with them a horde of clockwork miners who can better tolerate the intense heat emanating from the pools and rivers of magna.

Fire goblins also make these caverns home, unaffected by the searing heat. Though the mining company and fire goblin clan are not in direct conflict, they have no love for each other. They do, however, share a hatred for the Solusek kobolds and the fire giants. The fire giants and the fire goblins both serve the great red dragon, Lord Nagafen.

Those that dare to trek too deeply through Solusek's Eye are advised to be wary of stumbling into the lair, for creatures that lurk there are far more deadly than the goblins and fire elementals of Solusek's Eye. The lair is accessed through the innermost tunnel system of the complex.

If one is brave enough to endure the suffocating heat of the lava and the constant torment of the goblins, Solusek's Eye can be a wonderful place to find wealth. The ore mined by the goblins and gnomes can be sold for a handsome price to merchants in various towns. Also, the shamanistic magic of the globins has allowed them to craft simple trinkets with properties that could prove helpful.


Solusek's Eye is not only full of dangerous goblins who would kill anyone entering into their territory, but the lava that flows throughout the caverns can melt through the sturdiest of armor. The ledges and causeways are oftentimes very narrow here and falling into the lava is an ever-present danger.

Fire Goblin King
When the red dragon, Lord Nagafen, descended upon the desolate, fiery peaks of Lavastorm, he compelled the fire goblins who had resided in this region for many generations to construct for him a subterranean lair in the nethermost bowls of the immense volcano. Lord Nagafen was able to impose his will by taking advantage of the Fire Goblin King offering him and his heirs an unchallenged role over his own people, backed personally by the great dragon himself. Dimwitted and eager to please this massive, god-like creature of immense power, the goblins quickly went to work, constructing the tunnels and grand chamber that would house the fire dragon.

The king has presided over his people without opposition or uprising ever since – an occurrence of social stability that is quire rare about the goblins of Norrath. To this he continues to directly oversee the fire goblins of Solusek's Eye, answering only to Lord Nagafen. It is known that the goblin king and his subjects hold a great contempt for the kobolds and fire giants who protect Nagafen's lair – a disdain that is borne of jealously and contest for their great fire lords favor.

Image Gallery of Solusek's Eye

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