Everquest Trivia #355 - Game started by Community Member Chitiwok, winner of EverQuest Trivia #354.
Opps, one of my caster alts has a 12 (out of 112) Def. Need advice on how to get it raised. - Discussion started by Community Member Redblade
OK, I came back three months ago and briefly played a Necromancer. The character is 30th level now, but I screwed up and let his Def fall behind. The problem is that the gap been the current skill and max is so huge that I now find it impossible to raise the skill even though I'm going out of my way to allow the mobs to beat on me. This really slowed down my leveling but didn't result in even a one point increase. Any advice would be appreciated.
Scythes Takes On The Teletubbies - Discussion started by Community Member Canelin
Been practising my l33t Photoshop skeelz.
Power Sources - Discussion started by Community Member Pflux
I am a recent returnee and basically know very little about the game past PoP / LoY expansions. Can someone please break down this feature I've seen ingame called "Power Sources" for me?
Returning Couple - Discussion started by Community Member Brazlin
Hello All,
My wife and I just started playing again after a 6 year break
and I wondering if anyone has any suggestions on gearing up our characters. I've found the level 20 Armor quests in CR which look pretty decent. Is there anything similar for weapons? We are playing a SK/SHAM duo, anything we could camp/quest in our mid 20s would be great. Thanks.