Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!
YAR Matey's! Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day! You can find out how it all started on the Take Like a Pirate site. Do you have a Pirate name? The Community Team found a great site to create your own Pirate name!! Head on over to the forums to discuss your Pirate name! Or you can even create a post all in Pirate speak! Join the Talk Like a Pirate Day discussion thread EverQuest Pirate Activities and Pirate Tidbits: The Pirate Haiku Forum Challenge EQ dev team Pirate Hat Poll Pirates of EverQuest - From the Lore Library .
Sep 19, 2008
YAR Matey's! Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day! You can find out how it all started on the Take Like a Pirate site. Do you have a Pirate name? The Community Team found a great site to create your own Pirate name!!
Head on over to the forums to discuss your Pirate name! Or you can even create a post all in Pirate speak!
Join the Talk Like a Pirate Day discussion thread EverQuest Pirate Activities and Pirate Tidbits: The Pirate Haiku Forum Challenge Which EQ Dev team member would you most like to see wearing a Pirate Hat? Pirates of EverQuest - From the Lore Library

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