Character Preparation Logging Out
Give yourself plenty of time to log completely out of game before the servers go down. If you wait until the server boots you, a transaction, skill advancement, etc., may not be saved. Make sure you log out in a safe place. It's generally a good idea to log out in a city, the Plane of Knowledge or another zone that might be deemed safe. Corpse Clearing
While the system will save your corpses, it's always a good idea to take care of any corpses you have in the world before a game update. If with the corpses changes recently made, you'll still want to make sure you don't have any pre-existing corpses. User Interface
There shouldn't be too many changes to the UI from what we released for the Zone Preview but there may be some changes. If you run into problems, you'll want to switch to the default UI before logging your character in on Launch Day. If you use a customized user interface (UI), it's a good idea to save a screenshot of your interface. Generally for larger updates, several user interface changes are made. You will need to update your customized interface before logging into game or you may experience problems. By taking a screenshot, if you are unable to get an update for your customized UI, at least you have a picture of what it looked like so you can try to get a new one to match it. EQInterface - The largest and most comprehensive collection of User Interfaces. And the best source for User Interface discussions. If you downloaded your customized UI from this site and it is a common UI, you will generally find an updated version for it there on the day of the game update or shortly thereafter. Just be patient and give them enough time to get the changes made for them.
Pre-Order Information

Act now to prevent the cataclysm and save Norrath from the forces of Discord! Pre-order and purchase ensures players have access to all the content and bonus items in the EverQuest Seeds of Destruction All-In-One pack, including:
- The pre-order exclusive Qeynos Shield of Foundation, as well as other amazing promotional items from past expansions.
- 20 new zones, including the eerie wasteland of the Void, the battle of Bloody Kithicor and the sinister heart of the Plane of Discord!
- The all-new Mercenary NPCs. Need some extra muscle or a healer archetype for PvE support? Hire a Mercenary for your party and crush the opposition!
- New level cap at 85! New spells, AAs and items await!
- The EverQuest Seeds of Destruction All-In-One pack contains all features and content from the 14 previous expansion packs.
- Legends of Norrath™ digital card game client, including a starter deck, booster pack and a "Familiar of the Hooded Scrykin" loot card!
- The EverQuest Seeds of Destruction all-in-one pack is a compilation release. There will be no expansion-only release.
- EverQuest Seeds of Destruction all-in-one pack is a digital download available now for pre-order through Station Launcher and URAM account management for $39.99. The link to pre-order is here https://account.station.sony.com/authenticated/commerce/preOrderEntryPoint.action?gameCode=EQ
- At this time, there are no plans for a retail box release of the EverQuest Seeds of Destruction all-in-one pack.
- Pre-order customers will receive the Qeynos Shield of Foundation once they have paid for the game using their pre-order billing method. This billing activity will take place when the EverQuest Seeds of Destruction all-in-one pack is commercially released (scheduled for Oct. 21, 2008).
- All customers who purchase the EverQuest Seeds of Destruction all-in-one pack will receive a Legends of Norrath digital game card starter deck, booster pack and loot item. These will be available once their preferred billing method has been successfully charged. This billing activity will take place when the EverQuest Seeds of Destruction all-in-one pack is commercially released (scheduled for Oct. 21, 2008).
- As a special thank you, pre-order customers receive early access to the Legends of Norrath “Familiar of the Hooded Scrykin” loot item.
- Items from past expansions are subject to the terms of their initial offering. Some of them may not be claimable again. All other account appropriate items (including subsequent EverQuest Seeds of Destruction items) will be made available upon successful purchase of the EverQuest Seeds of Destruction all-in-one pack.
Finding Gameplay Information To find out some gameplay information like Items, Spells, Tradeskills, Abilities and more, you can visit the following sites: For Class or Server Specific discussions or for other sites, you can visit the EQPlayers Links page.
Legends of Norrath Download Legends of Norrath will still be available to play while the EverQuest servers are down. Download the stand-alone game client to prepare to play it on Tuesday during the downtime. Haven't tried it yet? This would be a good time to go through the tutorial and learn how to play!
To offer more tips, join the Getting Ready for Seeds of Destruction thread over on the official EverQuest forums.