Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums

EverQuest Trivia #364 - Game started by Community Member SindyinCJ , winner of EverQuest Trivia #363.

DPS Mercenaries - Discussion started by Community Member RannyFromDF
In your opinion, how much DPS should the caster mercs get when they made. Please state your opinion for the journeyman 1 and journeyman 5 level 85 mercs. (How much Sustained DPS)

We all swing too fast? - Discussion started by Community Member k9wazere
Just a thought… with weapon delay on all 1h weapons being around 20-ish, and most melee getting triple hit and double attack, the rate at which we are swinging our weapons has become... well, a little silly.

How about giving chanters, shammies, etc a new kind of haste spell? One which:
  • Slows you by 50%
  • Increases melee damage by 200% (net result 150% un-modded damage = equal to 50% haste?)

At the moment any melee character will be watching a constant stream of hits roll up their chat windows. It's more like watching a stream of spreadsheet data than anything corresponding to weapon damage.


Selecting a Guild - Discussion started by Community Member Critter667
So I'm starting to think I may need a guild. I'm on Drinal and a fairly avid player. Still, what are some of the advantages? In general, will it be something that takes up most of my time, or is it nothing more than a chance to get past the guild doors? Are there guilds to avoid or of note? How easy is it to walk away from a guild if I find they are not what I am looking for but another guild is? (I don't want to guild hop, but if I join a bunch of kids who just want to hack, then I want out ASAP).

Managing Wait Lists - Discussion started by Community Member Danrael
We use to be able to manage wait lists by having users join a wait channel. The /list # command use to display players in the order that they joined the channel. It was a very useful raid management tool. This behavior changed a while ago and can no longer be used for this purpose (not sure what determines the display order now). It would be nice to have something available in game to allow queues to be created through a join command.

I guess I am requesting that the /list command be changed to old display order or for a new queue management feature.