Please join us for an
Anniversary Celebration
in honor of 10 years
of EverQuest!
It's EverQuest 10th Anniversary and you're invited to a party! Don your most festive attire and commemorate the event with us on your server.
Zatozia and Amnerys from SOE's Community Relations team will be hosting these special events according to the schedule below. For Antonius Bayle, your hosts are Soffrina and Momochi. Just see what date and time they'll be on your server, make your way to the Arena and look for the party bouncer.
Date* | Time* | Server |
03.18.09 | 5pm PDT | Test |
03.19.09 | 11am PDT / 6pm GMT | Antonius Bayle |
03.19.09 | 5pm PDT | Bertoxxulous |
03.20.09 | 5pm PDT | Bristlebane |
03.24.09 | 5pm PDT | Drinal |
03.25.09 | 5pm PDT | Druzzil Ro |
03.26.09 | 5pm PDT | Erollissi Marr |
03.27.09 | 5pm PDT | Fennin Ro |
03.30.09 | 5pm PDT | Firiona Vie |
03.31.09 | 5pm PDT | Luclin |
04.01.09 | 5pm PDT | Maelin Starpyre |
04.02.09 | 5pm PDT | Povar |
04.03.09 | 5pm PDT | Prexus |
04.06.09 | 5pm PDT | Quellious |
04.07.09 | 5pm PDT | Saryrn |
04.08.09 | 5pm PDT | The Rathe |
04.09.09 | 5pm PDT | Stromm |
04.10.09 | 5pm PDT | Tunare |
04.13.09 | 5pm PDT | Xegony |
04.14.09 | 5pm PDT | Zek |
04.15.09 | 5pm PDT | The Nameless |
04.16.09 | 5pm PDT | 7th Hammer |
04.17.09 | 5pm PDT | The Tribunal |
04.20.09 | 5pm PDT | Cazic-Thule |
Happy 10th Anniversary, EverQuest!
* Dates and times subject to change. Every server will have a party, but in case of an emergency reschedule, notice will be given for the new party date and time.