The Forum Hodgepodge for June 18th
Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums…
Jun 18, 2009
 Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums… EverQuest Trivia # 388 - posted by Emarinn, winner of EverQuest Trivia #387 Firiona Vie owns a noob at E3 2009...hahaha - Discussion started by Community Member Ssliasil_Tunare Just watch me...hahaha it'll make you proud. Bazu - where are they native to? - Discussion started by Community Member Kolani I'd always thought that bazu were wildlife on Kuaa that had been upset and driven into a frenzy by the upheaval on Kuaa, and since there's a group of ikaav keeping Gazz the Gargantuan asleep in Bloodfields. Add to that that in the areas of Kuaa under heaviest Muramite control - Anguish, Ruined City of Dranik, Riftseekers, Muramite Proving Grounds, there are no bazu or they're intended to be fought by Muramites, as in the Weaponry trial. Add to that there were no bazu with Tunat's forces in Taelosia, and that tends to indicate that the bazu aren't under direct Muramite control. However, there are bazu in Korfax. Are they under control, like the Riftseekers and Geldrians in Korfax? Are they Muramite beasts of burden that broke free in Kuaa? That still doesn't explain the Bazu in Mines of Gloomingdeep, but that's another issue altogether? Has anyone found anything in game that indicates where the bazu are from? There's Bazu Smasher in Nobles for the zerker epic that seems perfectly content to chill in one of the last pristine areas on Kuaa, and someone in the quest text even notes that they're "ancient beasties" Thoughts? | | |
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