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Reminder: Road to Underfoot: Breaking the Seal ends December 1st!
Reminder: Help protect Norrath and quell the threat of invading Cliknar soldiers with Breaking the Seal! This final event of the Road to Underfoot will continue until December 1, 2009. Also, learn how to check your Road to Underfoot progress! Read More!
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Nov 20, 2009
Road to Underfoot Event 3 - Breaking the Seal
Help protect Norrath and quell the threat of invading Cliknar soldiers with Breaking the Seal! This final event of the Road to Underfoot will continue until December 1, 2009.
Many remember the tale of Ognit Eznertob and his friends when they discovered the Wall of Living Stone in the ruins of Old Paineel. Ognit breached that barrier and an army of elemental beings poured out into Odus, creating panic. Those elementals were only turned back by great effort and at great risk. Ognit was not the first, and soon it will be shown that he will not be the last. This time, the barrier will be breached from the inside...
The ground shakes across Norrath so strongly that even some of the closely connected Planes of existence are affected. There is a threat growing within the ruins and it is time once again for heroes to fight in defense of Norrath. Deadly creatures armored in chitin are appearing; where they come from and why they have broken the seal from the inside is unknown, but the danger they bring is real, and adventurers are needed to stop them.
Adventurers that have yet to assist in the effort should speak to one of the following representatives to get set on the right path:
Protector of the Ruins in the Hole
Surveyor Lodestone in Corathus Creep
a concerned citizen in Paineel
Elanna Noraka in Toxxulia
Check Your Road to Underfoot Progress!
If you have participated in all three Road to Underfoot events, Pre-order and Purchase the expansion by December 1, 2009, you'll be one of the first to experience EverQuest® Underfoot™ on December 8, 2009, a full week before the release date of December 15, 2009!
The Road to Underfoot events are listed below:
Giants, Giants, Giants
Ancient Heroes
Breaking the Seal
If you aren't sure whether or not you have completed each of the events, you can check under the My Account management tool on the Station banner.
Click on My Account on the Station bar on the website or forums.
Log in with your main station account and password.
Click on Subscription Info.
Next to EverQuest click on Details.
The Road to Underfoot events that you have completed will be on the list. These particular events are listed as "In-Game Item" because they were earned in-game.
If you have completed each of these events AND pre-order and purchase Underfoot, you'll be granted early access on December 8, 2009.