The Forum Hodgepodge for November 25th
Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums…
Nov 25, 2009
 Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums… EverQuest Trivia # 436 - posted by Emarinn, winner of EverQuest Trivia #433 Original Loading Screen Question - Discussion started by Community Member Faelien2 This is a random question but....on the original loading screen, and I think in the next few expansion loading screens as well, there is a picture in the top left corner. Light brown castle, green grass, blue sky behind it. What/where is that place in game? Ethereal/Spectral Parchments - Discussion started by Community Member Rotsapvl Hi, Is there some trick to handing these in? I keep getting the same spells over and over. Thanks Serverwide Roleplay Channel - Discussion started by Community Member Reridore So...does anyone use this channel anymore? I've popped in before, just to see, and have always been the only person. The command is /join serverwide.roleplay:roleplay, just, uh, so you all know. It'd be cool to see some people around there | | |
Underfoot NDA Lifted
Underfoot Early Access Qualification Ending at 11…