Underfoot Early Access Qualification Ending at 11:59 PM on December 1st!
The Underfoot Early Access Qualification will end 11:59 PM on Tuesday, December 1st, 2009. This means that you have to complete all three Road to Underfoot events AND pre-order and purchase the expansion by then to gain early access on December 8th. Read More!
Nov 30, 2009
 The Underfoot Early Access Qualification will end 11:59 PM on Tuesday, December 1st, 2009. This means that you have to complete all three Road to Underfoot events AND pre-order and purchase the expansion by then to gain early access on December 8th. Adventurers that have yet to assist in the effort should speak to one of the following representatives to get set on the right path before its too late: - Protector of the Ruins in the Hole
- Surveyor Lodestone in Corathus Creep
- a concerned citizen in Paineel
- Elanna Noraka in Toxxulia
Check Your Road to Underfoot Progress! If you have participated in all three Road to Underfoot events, Pre-order and Purchase the expansion by December 1, 2009, you'll be one of the first to experience EverQuest® Underfoot™ on December 8, 2009, a full week before the release date of December 15, 2009! The Road to Underfoot events are listed below: - Giants, Giants, Giants
- Ancient Heroes
- Breaking the Seal
If you aren't sure whether or not you have completed each of the events, you can check under the My Account management tool on the Station banner. - Click on My Account on the Station bar on the website or forums.
 - Log in with your main station account and password.
- Click on Subscription Info.
 - Next to EverQuest click on Details.
 The Road to Underfoot events that you have completed will be on the list. These particular events are listed as "In-Game Item" because they were earned in-game.  If you have completed each of these events AND pre-order and purchase Underfoot, you'll be granted early access on December 8, 2009. For more information, visit the Road to Underfoot official webpage. You can also join the Road to Underfoot Discussion on the official EQ forums. | |
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