Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums


Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums


EverQuest Trivia # 438 - posted by Emarinn, winner of EverQuest Trivia #437


The Art of Pulling - Discussion started by Community Member Byrd

Wanted to find out about pulling single mobs, primarily in indoor zones. I know at lower levels there are several classes that can pull using some type of Lull spell or song to keep some of the mobs in place while pulling others, but I have been told that at some point (approx what level?) these stop working. I have also heard that at higher levels (may have been talking about raids, I don't remember) basically only bards and monks pull as a rule. Monks I understand but why bards, do they retain some type of deagro song that still works? Just curious how the pulling game works as one progresses through to the higher levels and at what point does it start getting difficult, or do you just pull the whole room and let the chanter worry about it


LDoN: Any solo missions? - Discussion started by Community Member Lutero_Star

Hello, I'm a returning player seeking some info on getting my level 35 LDoN SK spell.

There are some solo missions in LDoN? Or at least they give you 1 adventure point if you fail?

I think that with defiant gear and using a healer merc i can solo some missions there as a SK. Are there any restrictions to start the event such be 3 players at least?


Any recommended UI's? - Discussion started by Community Member _Troz_

Was just curious if there was a UI that most vets use or is the default the recommended UI now.  Was just checking out eqinterface and liked the look and feel of SoesUI 1.6, but I noticed it hadn't been updated in a while. Suggestions?