New XP Potions Available on the EQ Marketplace
Buff your entire group! That's right, Bottles of Shared Adventure are available in various XP gains and durations, up to 6 players in your group will benefit from your potion. Check them out in the Marketplace now! Read More!
Jan 15, 2010
 January 15, 2010 Buff your entire group! That's right, Bottles of Shared Adventure are available in various XP gains and durations, up to 6 players in your group will benefit from your potion. Check them out in the Marketplace now! The following items have been added to the EQ Marketplace: For more information on these and other items available on the marketplace, log in to EverQuest and use the /marketplace command. | |
ConnecDing - Congratulations on Reaching the …
Bonus XP Weekend January 15th 19th