The Forum Hodgepodge for February 17, 2010
Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums… Read More!
Feb 17, 2010
 Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums… Everquest Trivia #453 - Posted by Lost_Map, winner of EverQuest Trivia #450 Best time to switch from exp grinding to AA grinding - Discussion started by Community Member Dengar I am currently a lvl 59 ranger w/ a journeyman cleric merc on Mayong. When would be best time to switch to AA grinding? Also, where would be the best place to do this at? Test Server - Discussion started by Community Member sparkedfire Is there a place I can download it? Looked in my files and it isnt there anymore; havent played on it in years. Epics - Discussion started by Community Member Strakyn IS there a guide for doing your epic? I just cant find it is all, im assuming its changed from 8 years ago. Is an epic worth even getting? I know armourwise so far defiant always seems to have the best stats. Are weapons the same? Im a 53 enchanter, with my wife 53 druid and 2 warrior mercs....are we high enough to start doing our epics? We would both like to get ours. Thanks. | | |
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