On the Town of: Neriak - Part 1
Overview of Neriak
Neriak is a dark beautiful city carved out of the very bones of the earth, deep under the forest of Nektulos. The multileveled tunnels that make up the basic connecting structure of Neriak were originally carved by meandering underground rivers that sprang from Lake Neriuss when its levels were higher. Later, they were widened and carved into a beautiful, dark, secret city by the magic of the dark elves, named in their own language as "Teir'Dal." Everything in this city is carved from the same dark stone, but minerals give it different colors. The dark elves are ruled by King Naythox Thex and his queen, Cristanos. Though it is not commonly acknowledged, the kings of the high elves and dark elves share a common lineage, as once all elves were related.

The areas of Neriak are designated as the gates; The First Gate, the Second Gate, the Third Gate, and The Fourth Gate.
The First Gate, the Foreign Quarter as it is more commonly called, is perhaps the busiest of Neriak's gates. It serves as the main connection between the city and the Nektulos Forest. It also is the epicenter where the foreign allies of the Teir'Dal, such as the ogres, trolls and humans of Freeport can be found.
The Second Gate, the Commons Quarter, is home to the average citizens of the Teir'Dal kingdom. Most of Neriak's Taverns, shops and inns are located in this section of the city.
The Third Gate is the domain of the Teir'Dal nobility; as such, there is very little commerce in this area. This area is reserved for the residences of elite Teir'Dal society. Any who are not of Teir'Dal lineage – even those who have amply demonstrated their allegiance to the dark elves – are not warmly welcomed in the Third Gate of Neriak.
Neriak's Fourth Gate is occupied solely by the Darklight Palace and its grounds. This is the primary residence of the king and the queen of Neriak and is not open to the public.
The military structure in Neriak consists of three bodies, The Royal Guard, The Indigo Brotherhood, and The Dark Arm. The Royal Guard is stationed in the Darklight Palace but can be seen whenever the King and Queen appear together in public. Members of The Indigo Brotherhood are generally posted throughout Neriak and its surrounding forest. They are loyal to the king. The Dark Arm, also referred to as the Queen's Armament or just The Arm, is the Queen's Guard. Members of The Dark Arm, mostly shadow knights with a few selected necromancers, are loyal only to Cristanos Thex. Shadow knight Aegon Je`Vakir is the creator and leader of The Dark Arm and High Advisor to the Queen. The Dark Arm usually has forces wherever the queen goes. They are growing stronger in number and are not trusted by The Indigo Brotherhood.
Throughout their history, trolls found themselves barely tolerated by the dark elves. They were forced to leave the city several times, though some were permitted to remain. In the course of their historical battles against the frogloks they lost control over their home town of Grobb; they were subsequently permitted to take up residence within the Foreign Quarter. Unbeknownst to them, this act of accepting the trolls as refugees was undoubtedly spurred by a darker motive. The Teir'Dal sought information about Broken Skull and the Grozmok Stone. They also viewed the trolls as a valuable and expendable "resource."
Once Grobb was back in the control of the trolls, they were no longer welcomed to reside in Neriak, although several merchants remained the city.
First Gate – The Foreign Quarter
The Foreign Quarter is perhaps the busiest of Neriak's gates, for all young Teir'Dal must pass through here to reach the forest of Nektulos. Similarly, all visitors, quests and returning residents must pass through the Foreign Quarter's slums to reach the more distinguished regions of the city.
While this gate is the least guarded and occupied region of the Teir'Dal city, it doesn't mean the city is open to everyone. Those who find themselves on the vast lists of the Teir'Dal's hatred enemies will be killed on sight by the guardsmen of the Indigo Brotherhood. For that matter, many who enter the city of Neriak for whatever reason and are not of Teir'Dal blood or accepted by them are often not heard from again.
Though not highly trusted by the dark elves, the allies of the Teir'Dal, such as the ogres and trolls of the distant swamplands, beyond the Desert of Ro, are welcome in the Foreign Quarter district. Travelers who can safely enter the gates of Neriak without fear of the Indigo Brotherhood's wrath will discover supplies to be plentiful among the shops of Neriak's foreign citizens.
Both Cristanos and Naythox hold sway in this district, although the political influence and struggles do not take center stage here; the foreign inhabitants care only for the profit and freedom they are allowed to exercise within Neriak's walls.
The architecture of the Foreign Quarter appears very much like that found in Freeport, with the exception of a few buildings and a single, unattended fountain which are obviously quickly fashioned of Teir'Dal design. Ogres and trolls have also set up their own area in the furthest reaches of the quarter. This area can be indentified by pathetic signs and monotonous similarity of their shops.
Second Gate – The Commons Quarter
The Common Quarter of the dark elf city of Neriak is home to the average citizens of the Teir'Dal kingdom. Residing deeper in Norrath's dark Underfoot than the surface gate of the city's Foreign Quarter, Neriak Commons is even more devoid of light; in fact there are no citizens here that would depend upon a light source to guide their vision.
This quarter is home to the commoners of Teir'Dal society. It is in this section that most of the commerce of Neriak takes place. Any one who is not dark elf, ogre or troll is generally attacked on sight by the guards and most of the inhabitants.
The layout of the Common Quarter is rather intricate, featuring darkly beautiful Teir'Dal architecture. All buildings are made of the dark gray stone that this cavernous city was carved from. Rare deposits of marble and other finer stone materials found during the construction of this area of the city enabled the building of a few fine statues and fountains. Otherwise, the city seems relatively plain in comparison to the rich, lavish fineries of which the noble Teir'Dal tend to indulge.
Being the social center of the Teir'Dal society, the Common Quarter houses the vast majority of the city's guildhalls.

Third Gate
The Third Gate of Neriak is the domain of the Teir'Dal nobility. As such, there is very little commerce in this area. Those who are not of Teir'Dal lineage – even those who have amply demonstrated their allegiance to the dark elves – are not welcome. While this gate is not restricted to those of noble blood, commoners are looked down upon by all of the residents.
Should any non-Teir'Dal dare to venture into the scared halls of the Third Gate, they are advised to do so under a clever guise that makes them appear to be Teir'Dal. Those who do not have such abilities at their disposal are strongly urged to avoid this region of the city.

The primary guilds of Teir'Dal as well as the no-so-prestigious rogue's guild reside in the nethermost depths of the Teir'Dal city. Priests of the Prince of Hate will find new spells and seemingly endless source of supplies to fulfill their dark duties. They may also access the Spires of Innoruuk, the Teir'Dal temple, where they may pay homage to their dark father.
The necromancers and shadow knights of the dead also benefits from the utmost attention paid to them by their mentors, not to mention having all the supplies they might need on hand as they grow stronger and seek to fulfill their purpose to the people of Neriak and their hateful prince.
The Third Gate is also where one may witness the true horrific beauty of Teir'Dal architecture and the magnificence of their arcane abilities, which are reflected in almost every detail of the subterranean quarter.
Fourth Gate – Darklight Palace
The Fourth Gate houses the Darklight Palace. This crystalline castle serves as the primary residence for the king and the queen of the dark elves.
The Castle is inaccessible to all except the King Naythox Thex, Queen Cristanos Thex, other members of the royal family, and the Royal Guard. As per the King's orders, very few visitors are permitted upon the palace grounds.
King Naythox Thex
It has been nearly twelve hundred years since the house of Thex first rose as rulers over the Teir'Dal. Nevar Thex, Lord of the House of Thex, arose with his house as King of the Teir'Dal and his wife, Tesidorra, took his side as the first couple to rule over Neriak.
For nearly two hundred years the pair brought the nation to great glory and heights within the history of Norrath, bringing their silent mark upon the world with a young Erudite man named Miragul. He came, surprisingly welcomed by the royal pair, into Neriak with intentions of learning beyond the world of the known magics.
For nearly five years Nevar, the chief keeper and scholar of necromantic lore and arts, taught this young Erudite the ways of life and death. Although only still considered an apprentice within the art, Miragul set out from the walls of Neriak and eventually caused the plague of Necromancy within the world just as Nevar had hoped for. The Teir'Dal's first everlasting mark was made upon Norrath, a mark that would persist for countless eras.
One thousand years have passed since the first triumph of the Teir'Dal against their enemies and the house of Thex remains the royalty of Neriak. A new ruler sits upon the throne, the great grandchild of Nevar Thex, a young warrior by the name of Naythox Thex.
Upon taking his throne and crown, Naythox turned to the Duchy of the Dead, choosing their Duchess, Cristanos, as his wife in hopes of unifying the four circles of arcane magic beneath one house.
The years passed and the rulers grew apart, the King supporting his army of Teir'Dal warriors known as the Indigo Brotherhood that was forged by his grandfather several centuries past. Naythox forged the Dreadguard as well, a league of royal guards and warriors stationed for the city protection. Much to the dismay of Cristanos, his majesty appointed his son, Tarrant Thex, as general and leader of the Dreadguard beneath his direct command. The disgust that Cristanos had exhibited at the appointment of Tarrant to general of the royal guard gave rise to belief within Neriak that he was the result of a union formed outside of Naythox's wedlock. Only two people; Naythox and Cristanos, and perhaps the other who may the mother of his son, however, know the truth. Such rumors regarding Tarrant have been silenced out of fear and respect for both his majesty Naythox and the loyal and capable general.
Her highness, Cristanos Thex, maintains the ancient Lodge of the Dead, her own heart and ambitions directed toward the benefit of the old ways.
Naythox supported the surfacing of underground practitioners of the foreign arts of Enchantments, Evocations, and Conjurations. While this fueled a sharp rise in his popularity among the arcane sciences, his diminished popularity within the old schools struck just as deeply at his hold upon the nation. This new lash of split loyalties gave Cristanos the opportunity she needed to solidify her own power base against the man she despised, firming her hold as Queen of the Teir'Dal.
The priests within the Spires of Innoruuk looked disapprovingly upon the split of power and loyalties among the royal houses and the noblemen of The Dead and The Spurned. Feeling that neither side was justified in their statements and actions, but refusing to remain cowards upon the neutral grounds, the priests remained loyal to the true member of Thex lineage, Naythox.
Shortly after, the Spires found their privileges to the library of Neriak revoked through a law passed by Cristanos and the support of The Dead, who have always controlled the city's main library. All documents and rituals were forced away upon Cristanos's orders, leaving the Priests unwillingly beneath the Queen's control, but their Council chairs remained upon the side of their King.
As disgusted as the priests were at what they felt was a pathetic and poorly played out display of power by the royal couple, The Ebon Mask choose to remain neutral throughout the struggle, knowing that either way they would emerge unscathed and that their network will remain undamaged.
The rulers were split and the loyalties of the kingdom divided. Neriak had fallen into political chaos and yet neither side would back away from the other. It was predicted that a civil war was close at hand with the alliances forged between Naythox, the nation of Oggok, and the corrupted guards of Freeport beneath Lucan's control.
Determined that he would not loose his throne nor initiate any actions that would condemn his people into a civil war, leaving them near defenseless against outside attacks, Naythox quickly allowed the Ogres to move into the first level of Neriak. Not taking this insult to her grasp of political structures and the ways of war lightly, Cristanos negotiated her own alliances with Grobb and the Orcs of Faydwer.
The battle was near…
Innoruuk looked down with amusement as he saw the growing struggle between his own people, but the novelty quickly wore off when the conflict moved into its fortieth year. Remembering the prophecy foretold by Velkir D`kis nearly one thousand years prior, Innoruuk deemed it time to bring forth his own wrath into the world.
In the year 3102, when The Moon of Blood was upon Norrath, a Teir'Dal ceremony began and Lanys T'Vyl was conceived by Innoruuk himself and the blind lust of a priestess. The Daughter of Hate was born one year later. For twenty-five years the child was taught in the ways of Necromancy and in the arts of war; her skill rose considerably beneath the tutelage of Laarthik K`Shin. Innoruuk looked on while his patience grew thin with the withering of his creations' own stability as a nation upon Norrath. It was time for Lanys to come forth.
The child was brought to the court and proven as the child of Innoruuk through several brutal tests. Her body remained free of the scars from the fires and razors used. Lanys T`Vyl was the Child of Hate and with her coming, hope and a new pride was within the hearts of all Teir'Dal. The divisive power-struggle was set aside and the child was allowed her coming, receiving sincere and devout respect from Naythox and Cristanos. For the first time in half a century the King and Queen were mutually agreed and something resembling civil peace fell upon Neriak.
For ten years Lanys grew in power, silently awaiting the right time to reveal herself to the world and commence her conquest. Laarthik remained at her side through these years, protecting her as the words of the dark father demanded. At last, Lanys was revealed to the world and her vows of destruction and victory sung triumphantly through the material realm of Norrath, her hate-scarred words bringing fear into the hearts of the Lightwalkers.
Darkness descended upon Norrath as the Teir'Dal slowly picked themselves from the edges of Civil War. The light must be strengthened; balance must be restored. The Mother's Child was revealed to the world in the form of a Champion, Firiona Vie, who threatened to turn the shroud of darkness cast by Lanys back to mere shadows. The war between Light and Darkness had begun.
The discovery of a powerful metal deep beneath the bowls of the human citadel of High Keep caused pace to quicken for both the actions of the Light and those of the Shadow. Lanys sent a call to Naythox Thex, her words spilling with the fire of demands that scorched his pride, but nonetheless he recognized who she represented, and even with her scornful and disrespectful words, he abided by her wishes. He handed the reins of his army to Laarthik, whom he had known briefly in his youth, and his yielded a wary trust to Lanys.
Ten days later the expansive army of Teir'Dal, composed of the finest members of both the Indigo Brotherhood and The Dead, marched from the depths of Neriak into the awaiting armies of the Lightwalkers scattered throughout the Western Commonlands and deep into the wood of Kithicor. For the first time in a century the Teir'Dal were united beneath one banner, their hearts and souls scorched with the fires of one deadly cause. The sour want for victory tainted their breath and cold desire for blood trembled within their steel; the army of Hate was a force of destruction, pushing through the armies of the Lightwalkers as easily as a steel pendulum through space.
Kithicor Wood brought forth the Path of Destiny, witnessing the defeat of Laarthik and the destructive powers of Hate. The armies of Light and Darkness both fell beneath the insufferable torment cast by Innoruuk's presence upon the realm, his own hand crossing that of Tunare's as she protected her Champion, Firiona. Lanys was banished and the war was lost. The darkness was cast back to shadows; balance had been restored.
Over three thousand men and women were lost within the cloud of destruction. Naythox's army was completely destroyed, condemned to walk forever, their souls forever locked within the mortal realm within the everlasting corpses that haunt the wood to this day. Faith in the Teir'Dal nation had been lost and the disputes within Neriak arose once more.
Months passed and Naythox had yet to recover from the loss to his army, his strength greatly diminished. Some comfort was gained in knowing that Cristanos suffered the same massive loss in her forces. Their longstanding personal battle was brought to a standstill while the nation recovered and the debates began amongst the councils.
Queen Cristanos Thex
Queen Cristanos Thex is known for her intimidating, ageless beauty and powerful intelligence. Her silky white hair complements her dark blue skin. Her blood red eyes mesmerize those who dare to seek their depths. Cristanos' royal gown is cut of rich cloth, colored with the black of death and the green of exotic disease, accented with crested trim. She is usually seen carrying her Aegis of Hatred and Scythe.
Cristanos was born within the walls of the noble House of J'Riala. Her parents were Vrenitar and Dreysra J'Riala. Her father, Vrenitar, was the brother of Albia J'Narus, herself the wife of Malak J'Narus, ruler of the House of J'Narus. The king and queen, with Prince Naythox Thex in line for the throne, met with the head of the House of J'Riala and explained their plans for the union of their son to Cristanos. Vrenitar and Dreysra, both necromancers, wanted their daughter to marry a necromancer as well, to further her studies. In their eyes, for her to marry a warrior would be beneath her intellectual status. Christanos Malak told them of the Prince's vicious treatment of his own people, and this likely also fed into their decision to refuse the union.
Infuriated at this arrogance, the king employed a member of the Ebon Mask, the guild of dark elf rogues, to do away with the House of J'Riala. Later that night, a mysterious fire incinerated the noble House of J'Riala, killing Vrenitar and Dreysra. Cristanos had been away studying with several other necromancers and didn't receive notice until a few days later. After the death of her parents, she refused to return to the public eye, but in their honor, she vowed to become a great necromancer.
Malak J'Narus, Cristanos' uncle, sent her to a teacher named Lerlok D'vinn to help her continue her studies in the dark arts. Malak, an extremely powerful necromancer himself, can usually be found working in the necromancy laboratory in the House of J'Narus. Knowing that it would advance her studies, Malak J'Narus told Cristanos of the marriage proposal refused by her parents on the evening before the fire. This information, coupled with a keen understanding of Thex behavior when their will was thwarted, caused Cristanos' ruby eyes to glare in hatred for Naythox Thex. While she has never proven nor made public her belief that Naythox caused of the death of her parents, she knew it to be true.
Cristanos' powers grew rapidly. She quickly advanced beyond the ability of each teacher sent to her. She began to develop her own variations on the art of necromancy. She created the House of the Dead and became their Duchess so that all necromancers and shadow knights could practice the dark magics in a place without disturbance.
Years later, after Prince Naythox Thex became king, he commanded the consolidation of the Houses of Enchantment, Sorcery, Summoning and The Dead for the greater good of the Teir'Dal Empire. Hearing of this ruling, Cristanos refused to allow The Dead to be weakened in such a manner, feeling that the dark magics that the House of the Dead espoused needed to be kept separate.
Naythox, against his high advisor's wishes, proposed a union of marriage between himself and Cristanos. He felt that with this marriage, he could control the House of the Dead through his Queen. While hatred for Naythox still flowed through her, Cristanos realized that the marriage would make her Queen of the Teir'Dal, granting her a great deal of power. This desire for power outweighed even her abhorrence for the murderer of her family.
The marriage of Naythox and Cristanos greatly empowered the Teir'Dal nation as a whole. While the king's army, the Indigo Brotherhood, enforced the will of the king, Cristanos slowly built an army of her own: The Dead. The Lodge of the Dead was created so that The Dead could work separately from The Spurned, the consolidated house of Enchantment, Sorcery, and Summoning.
Neriak has a guildmaster for each class that is available to trolls. Spell and tome merchants are also available for those classes. Here is a list of the main guildmasters:
- Perrir Zexus – (Cleric)
- Eolorn J'Axx – (Rogue)
- Xon Quexill – (Necromancer)
- Nezzka Tolax – (Shadow Knight)
- Seloxia Punox - (Warrior)
- Jayna D'Bious – (Magician)
- Gath N'Mare – (Wizard)
- Camia V'Retta – (Enchanter)
City Resources
Neriak provides the basic necessities of adventuring: Bankers, a Soulbinder, a Tribute Master, Task Masters, augmentation needs, and merchants that sell backpacks, ale, bandages, food, drink, and fishing gear.
You'll also find a Priest of Discord, Tradeskill Quest Masters, tradeskill crafting objects, and supply merchants for alchemy, baking, jewelcrafting, pottery, tailoring, and blacksmithing.

On the Town of: Neriak - Part 2: Points of Interests
Coming next week!