The Forum Hodgepodge for February 24, 2010
Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums… Read More!
Feb 24, 2010
 Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums… EverQuest Trivia #459 - Posted by Maisey, winner of EverQuest Trivia #458 Dynamically harder group mission - Discussion started by Community Member Mikar Here is an idea that I would love to see implemented in EQ. Reward: A type 3 augment that fits in all slots. Stats go up ever so slowly with number of wins. Max at 1000 wins. Exact stats are left open - but it should be good. Missions: Group missions in instanced zones are used for this. Zone geometry could be the old LDoN zones - simply picking a random such for each mission (or with more work other older zones could be used as well). Mobs: The power of the mobs populating the zone are based on the highest number of prior wins between those in the group. For the same reason noone can be added to the group after the mission is taken.... Suggsted ideas for Leadership Abilities in the near future. - Discussion started by Community Member tecdor I know it's been a very long time since anybody has spoke about it and I know it's been spoke of before in the past from time to time, to be honest I don't know what others would personally think but I have proposed ideas for Leadership Abilities in the near future so here is what I propose as seen below . . . if a tree falls and no one is there to hear it...EQ zones question - Discussion started by Community Member Blinktok69 Hello everyone. Since returning to game a month ago, starting from level 1, just got to wondering about some zones. For much of of the lowby zones I've been in, I have had it all to myself. Got to thinking...if no one is in a zone, is it still active? As in, are the npc still doing their thing(s) as if someone is there or do empty zones -go to sleep-? | | |
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