The Forum Hodgepodge for April 7, 2010
Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums… Read More!
Apr 07, 2010
 Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums… EverQuest Trivia #481 - Posted by theshadow81, winner of EverQuest Trivia #480 A way to find missing spells - Discussion started by Community Member Zynt_Rattlebonz I have a lot of alts and some of them are missing spells. Is there a program that will export that data or just one that will show me what spells I am missing on each character? I just came back in November after being gone for almost four years and I know some of my higher level alts are missing some spells that are now researchable or that were added while I was gone. I appreciate any help. Fan Faire mount...what is it? - Discussion started by Community Member Zanderon "Bridle of the Alabaster Jungle – Summons the spirit of the ancient king of the Feerrott jungle to serve as your mount!" That's the bonus in-game reward for the platinum pass for FF. I know the Feerrott is home to gorillas, wolves, spiders, alligators, bugs, and lizardmen. So what is the mount? 17th expansion official - Discussion started by Community Member FCseven Not that it's much of a shock. From the FanFaire announcement today: Silver, Gold, and Platinum pass holders will also receive a complimentary copy of the upcoming 17th expansion for EverQuest and the 7th expansion for EverQuest II! | | |
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