The Forum Hodgepodge for April 14, 2010
Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums… Read More!
Apr 14, 2010
 Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums… EverQuest Trivia #482 - Posted by Morituus, winner of EverQuest Trivia #481 Did you ever notice, there's no more evil? - Discussion started by Community Member Zaggran Seriously. We're all good guys now. Don't get me wrong, I like playing the good side. My ogre's lore has him escaping the curse by way of... well, being involved in TBZ/Eriak Zek/Rallos Returns raids. And I hate the whole "I think being evil is cool because I don't understand what evil really is and I'm so emo" fad as much as anyone else. If I could, I'd find all the people who randomly stick "666" at the end of their email address and launch them into the sun. Buuuuut, this is an PRG and all and there used to be an evil path. Not anymore. Seriously, even Bertoxxulous' favor quests talk about how you're doing what's necessary for population control. Brekt gives you some drivel about how you chose not to ally with him. No you didn't, you never get those kind of options anymore. [Poll] What country you call home? - Discussion started by SOE Community Representative Soffrina Our gaming communities come from all over the globe. What do they have in common? The love of games. Therefore, we would like to know what country you call home? So who believes in actual UFO's here? And are into the whole UFO/Government conspiracy? - Discussion started by Community Member -Kelefane- Is anyone here into this kind of stuff? If so, have any stories etc? Or does any old UFO case intrigue you? Did you read any great forum threads this week that you think your fellow players would like to see? If so, stop in to our Fourm Hodgepodge 04/14/10 post and add your own links to the Hodgepodge. | | |
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