EQ Memorial Ding - Two More Goals!
Congratulations on reaching the goals set for EQ Memorial Ding! Because the initial goals were reached so fast, we decided to add two more goals for the EverQuest community to reach. Read More About It!
May 19, 2010
 Congratulations on reaching the goals set for EQ Memorial Ding! Because the initial goals were reached so fast, we decided to add two more goals for the EverQuest community to reach! From May 18, 2010 through May 27, 2010, keep spreading the word to your friends in the EQ community about our Facebook page and EQ Memorial Ding! If these new goals are reached, we'll be running a Rare Spawn Chance Increase Event in addition to Bonus XP Weekend rewarded with initial EQ Memorial Ding goals. Several rare encounters will have the chance of their appearance increased based on the goals reached below: EverQuest Facebook Fans | Rare Spawn Chance Increase* | 15,000 Facebook Fans | 50% | 18,000 Facebook Fans | 100% | | The rare spawn chance modifier will not stack. The percentage of the increase that will be granted for Memorial Day Weekend will be based on the goal reached at the end of the promotion – 0%, 50%, or 100%. Give us the thumbs up and Like EverQuest on Facebook!  The promotional period runs from Wednesday, May 18, 2010 (12:01 am, PDT) through Thursday, May 27, 2010 (11:59 pm, PDT). The Rare Spawn Chance Increase Event will run from Friday May 28, 2010 (10:00 am, PDT) to Tuesday, June 1, 2010 (10:00 am PDT). SOE is committed to providing the latest and freshest news and event information through Facebook, Twitter and periodic emails – join in the fun and don't miss out on any of the events, features and contests by keeping your profile up-to-date: go to http://www.station.sony.com/ and log in to your Station Account, or Join Free (must be age 13 or older). Go to "My Account", click on "Change Email Settings." | |
Server Downtime for an Emergency Game Update …
Emergency Game Update for Wednesday, May 19, 2010