The Forum Hodgepodge for May 26, 2010
Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums… Read More!
May 26, 2010
 Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums… Everquest Trivia #486 - Posted by glazgar, winner of EverQuest Trivia #485 What If Something Survived? - Discussion started by Community Member Gnomereaper For all the historical tamperings with the world with Seeds of Destruction, I find it odd no one else took advantage of the time line to make it their own or preserve something. Take the imperial iksars at the height of their power. Ganak's death along with that of his offspring meant there was no longer anyone of the Sathirian line to rule. So the iksar basically have nothing left but a sinking city in a landlocked country. I mean any smart time traveling iksar would grab an egg, no? While Venril was a traitor to his own kind with transferring his worship to Innoruuk and later using his own son's dead body as a vessel for his ressurection, most of the other Sathirs were very effective to such a degree that Rile is considered the father of the Shadowknights in Cabilis. I think the Sathir family was fairly good, it only matches up really against the Bayle line as far as depth of story goes. Having a new Sathir would definately ressurect some of the iksar lore and place it to good use. What are your thoughts on the time shenanigans changing history for the future such as a new iksar emporer or empress of the Sathir line? Crazy things you believed were true when you started EQ - Discussion started by Community Member Meslow I had a friend that was a higher level necromancer bind my Ogre Shaman in Freeport (his idea) when I first started pre-Kunark so I could level up at orc camps in EC. I used to collect EVERYTHING that they dropped and I would give it to the merchants, because they wouldn't let me buy/sell from them. One day they finally let me buy/sell from them, and I thought it was because I'd given them enough stuff for free that they finally liked me. Would Epic armor be a good Idea? - Discussion started by Community Member xanderax It seems like ages ago when we had the class specific armor quests. It brought people together just like the epics. What do you all think? | | |
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