The Forum Hodgepodge
Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums… Read More!
Jun 02, 2010
 Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums… Everquest trivia #489 - Posted by Dayzee, winner of EverQuest Trivia #488 Unsolved/Undiscovered Quests - Discussion started by Community Member Eggmak I am fascinated with classic EverQuest. I admit it. Can we please have some bread crumbs about undiscovered quests in Qeynos? I know that they exist, but I just don't know where. I have killed that entire city twice. I have hailed everything. I have made macros spitting random keywords to everything and I know that they are there. I just don't know where. The GroundsKeeper - Discussion started by Community Member Delpmo Is there any trick to him? I know using damage sheilds is a no no but I dont use one. My tank is 38k hp and 5900 AC unbuffed. He used Fort, and a Glyph(spell magic rune). He had two mercs and 1 real cleric healing him. He dropped like a friggen rock. I managed to take him down using tremendous DPS while he was wiping the group If anyone wants to offer me some advice, or PM me some, I would really appreciate it. Dranik's Scar Screenshots - Discussion started by Community Member Ainlor A compilation of screenshots I made at one of my favourite zones in Everquest, plus the darkish and soothing music of the entrance to the continent of Kuua... | | |
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