Through the magic of the internet, Fan Faire attendees can follow along and contribute to the online presence of Fan Faire news and updates! We'll be using several social media outlets, as well as our own sites, to post news, announcements, photos and more from Fan Faire, as it's happening. Keep reading for tagging details below. If you aren't able to join us in Las Vegas this year but you want to keep up with all the latest news, announcements, and everything that's going on, you can keep an eye on the convention online through the following outlets:  Twitter: We'll be regularly updating the @soefanfaire Twitter account. Members of the Community team, Dev teams, and maybe even the game accounts will also be Tweeting updates, so if you want to follow individuals, click here to see a list of SOE Twitter accounts. If you're at Fan Faire and Tweeting, be sure to use the #SOEFF hashtag in your updates. Hashtags allow for easy searching, and anyone who wants to see all the Tweets from Fan Faire can search for #SOEFF on Twitter and see all of the related updates in one spot! If you're new to Twitter, check out our guide.  Flickr: We have already created the SOE Fan Faire 2010 Flickr group! Everyone who attends Fan Faire 2010 is welcome to share their photos with the community through this group. If you already have a Flickr account, just join the FF10 group and submit your best photos. Be sure to tag all of your photos that are related to Fan Faire with "fanfaire2010" so they're easy to track!  Facebook: This year we have Fan Faire Event page! If you haven't already become a fan of your favorite game(s) on Facebook, make sure you do! Big announcements pertaining to individual games should be posted on their Facebook pages, and can be discussed with other fans there.  YouTube: During the past few Fan Faires, we've posted videos of the Fan Faire on YouTube. Keep an eye on SOEVideos for the latest videos from Fan Faire and our SOE products.  Ustream: For the last two Fan Faires, we've used Ustream to bring the SOE Podcast and a few of the bigger panels to you live on your home computer! Check out our Ustream channel to view our upcoming Live Broadcasts and catch recordings of our previous shows. ______________________________________________________________ If you come across news about Fan Faire, or if you're posting blogs, articles and more online, we'd love to hear about them. Come by the Fan Faire forums and leave us a link! Be sure to tag all of your photos, blogs, and other submissions related to Fan Faire with fanfaire2010. We hope this will serve as an easy way to share all your Fan Faire memories with everyone! |