House of Thule Preview Miraguls Nightmare
There are lots of great new zones and features coming with the House of Thule expansion! Here's a sneak peek at one of the zones. Read More!
Aug 20, 2010
 There are lots of great new zones and features coming with the House of Thule expansion! Here's a sneak peek at one of the zones. Miragul's Nightmare In this zone, adventurers level 85+ will explore the dreaming mind of a madman. Miragul, having made the choice to become a lich, is locked within his phylactery. The dream keeps the waking horror at bay. Or does it? As adventurers explore the zone, they will see what looks like remnants of Old Paineel. It's surprising empty, with no sign of living beings anywhere. Delving deeper into Miragul's Nightmare, adventurers will discover the growing madness and despair of the once great mage. They will directly confront Miragul's greatest fears. Background Lore In ancient days, Miragul studied all the disciplines of magic to which he had access. Eventually he mastered them all and became the greatest mage in Norrath. But it wasn't enough. He thirsted for more and began to chafe at the restrictions his race put on which schools of magic were permitted. He eventaully broke with the rulers of Paineel and fled to pursue knowledge and the art of Necromancy. As age crept up on him and began to take its toll, Miragul turned his powerful intellect to finding a way to cheat death. He directed more and more of his study to Necromancy in his search for unending life. He found it. But like all attempts to defy the natural order of things, something went wrong... More Pictures Desktops  | |
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