House of Thule Pre-order Preview Part 2
Greetings Norrathians! The EverQuest team is proud to bring you our 17th expansion, House of Thule. The launch of this expansion is scheduled for October 12, 2010!! You'll be able to pre-order your copy of House of Thule (via digital download) scheduled to begin on September 9, 2010. Pre-order will end on October 11, 2010. Read More!
Sep 03, 2010
 Greetings Norrathians! The EverQuest team is proud to bring you our 17th expansion, House of Thule. The launch of this expansion is scheduled for October 12, 2010!! You'll be able to pre-order your copy of House of Thule (via digital download) scheduled to begin on September 9, 2010. Pre-order will end on October 11, 2010. Not only are you getting brand new zones, quests and content, this year’s expansion is bursting at the seams with bonus in-game items! Here are pictures of the some of the items you'll get! The Discordant Contract (CE only) will allow adventurers to purchase the services of these mercenary. The Gnoll Pup Leash (CE Only) will summon a gnoll familiar to follow you on your journeys. Click here for more information about the expansion pre-order. 
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House of Thule Preview Morrells …
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