House of Thule Preview House of Thule, the Upper Floors, the Library
There are lots of great new zones and features coming with the House of Thule expansion! Here's a sneak peek at one of the zones. Read More!
Oct 04, 2010
 There are lots of great new zones and features coming with the House of Thule expansion! Here's a sneak peek at one of the zones. House of Thule This is the shared worldly focus of the Thule siblings, Morrell and Terris. From here, their influence seeps throughout Norrath. As adventurers explore the house, they see the souls of Norrthains trapped within their nightmares. It seems as if Terris is shifting the balance of power in her favor... But is that true? The Upper Floors Here, the dream state of the House of Thule is even more evident. Each wing transforms, taking on the character of some of the more powerful dreams that are exerting control in Norrath. The Library Any great home needs a library, doesn't it? This one looks like any other library upon first glance. Closer inspection leads the adventurer exploring the House of Thule to ask some questions. How is it so large? What is that over in the corner? Are those books supposed to do that? Desktops  | |
House of Thule Preview Fear Itself
House of Thule Pre-order Reminder! ONE WEEK…