Challenge: To celebrate Halloween, we are holding a Pumpkin Carving Forum Challenge. Carve a pumpkin related to the SOE game you play and take pictures of the process. Upload the pictures to an external site, then submit them to us for review. Now, let's get to carving! Duration: Submissions for this forum challenge start on Thursday, October 21, 2010 and end on Thursday November 4, 2010 at 10am PDT. (PDT is -7 hours GMT: 11:00 am MDT, 12:00 pm CDT, 1:00 pm EDT, 5:00 pm GMT) Rules: Before submitting an entry, please review the Official Forum Challenge Rules. - You are permitted one submission for each game.
- You are permitted to submit updated images throughout the entry period. The last version will be considered.
- The pumpkin carving must be yours.
- Do not use pumpkin carvings from previous years.
- Please use thumbnails when submitting your images to avoid stretching out the forums.
Submission: Submissions should be posted as a response to this thread. When posting your submission the following information is required: - Title of the Image:
- Forum Handle:
- Game:
- Character Name:
- Server:
- Guild:
- Images with Descriptions:
Reward: All submissions will be reviewed by the SOE Community team. Winners will be announced by Monday November 8, 2010. The winners will receive: - Your choice of one of the following illusion items: Lens of the Evil Eye (Evil Eye Illusion), Mask of the Devious (Gnome Illusion), Tharkis’ Platinum Stud (Orc Illusion), or Lepracon’s Pot of Gold (Scared Wolf Illusion)
- And three AA points.
Feedback: Feel free to offer your feedback on the submissions of others. We enjoy reading the comments on entries for these challenges just as much as the entries! Just remember to be constructive. Carving Tips: Here are a few important things to remember when carving a pumpkin: - The first step is to get a pumpkin and find the proper tools.
- Before you start carving your pumpkin, you'll want to draft a design of what you want your pumpkin to look like.
- Now it's time to start hacking at the pumpkin. Cut the top off on an angle so that when you replace it, it doesn't fall through.
- Next is the gutting of the pumpkin, which can sometimes be messy!
- Tape the design to the pumpkin and trace it by poking little holes through it.
- The last step is to cut out the pattern and to place a candle inside the pumpkin to create an eerie glow.
To get you inspired, here's an example: |