The Haunting of Norrath!
All Hallows' Eve approaches; the time of year where spirits walk night and begging for treats is deemed appropriate. Norrath will be subject to the haunts from October 24th through November 7th. Read more!
Oct 22, 2010
 The Haunting of Norrath! (October 24th through November 7th) All Hallows' Eve approaches; the time of year where spirits walk night and begging for treats is deemed appropriate. Whether you celebrate this spooky holiday or not, it is the perfect excuse for dressing up in strange clothes, telling scary stories, decorating, bobbing for apples, and eating lots and lots of yummy candy. Here are some Halloween Activities in which you can participate for EverQuest this season: Fresh Hauntings! | Under Your Skin Illis Taberish is in despair. He is convinced that something terrible is going to happen. And with the Hallowed Eve coming, he is certain that whatever it is, will happen soon. His dreams are becoming more and more vivid. He sees vile creatures attacking innocent people across the lands and taking their souls. All of this seems to have started when he found the Scroll of the Skinwalker within the property left to him by his recently departed uncle. Illis needs you to destroy the Skinwalker that has taken over Longshadow's den before he gains enough souls to become more powerful by All Hollows Eve! | The Skinwalker is a shape shifter who needs his victims to be in complete fear before he traps their souls and feasts on their flesh. You will need to track down this creature and kill it in every form it takes, while also collecting parts of his soul. | | Ancient Hauntings! These ghosts, ghouls, and scary beings return to us from hauntings in the past. Candy and Costumes Across the starting cities, candy and costume merchants open up their spooky shops to celebrate the season of haunting. Also, seek out Wicked Winnie and a wizened hermit in the Plane of Knowledge for additional sweet fun. Trick or Treat? There have been scattered reports across Norrath of spooky happenings in the Kithicor Forest. People are trick or treating around Norrath. Vampires have been spotted roaming in spooky places. The Halflings are hungrier than usual and are craving everything pumpkin! A creepy bone collector requests help in collecting several rare bone artifacts. A great storyteller has arrived and is sharing some rather frightening fables—get your admission ticket today and hear them for yourself! For more information seek out Zigand Ribshard in the Plane of Knowledge. He has all the details! - The Trick or Treat Bag: Old Man Draykey will teach you how to trick or treat by showing you the proper greeting method. To practice, he gives you a trick or treat bag to go out and get candy with.
- Bone Collector: Barsin the bone collector boasts that he can create anything out of bones.
- Roaming Vampire: A Dressed-Up Halfling is running late for the yearly costume gathering.
- Hungry Halfling: Mippie Diggs is hungry and craving pumpkin flavored food and drinks.
- Story Teller: Cathil the storyteller has been telling frightening fables to scare the locals.
Haunting Tasks - The Gravedigger: The Gravedigger in the Plane of Knowledge has a predilection for flesh—tattooed flesh. He has been digging graves for most of his life, all over Norrath, and he has amassed a collection of tattooed skin patches from corpses. But his collection is incomplete. He is seeking adventurers to help him with his obsession.
- Necromancer's Garden: A crazed necromancer has recently snuck into Greater Faydark and spread some strange seeds about the forest. The seeds have taken root and are sprouting into horrible skulls! Leavalin Mossbite was tasked to hire adventurers to help stop a threat to the folks of the Faydark.
- Scarecrow Roundup: Rongol and Anderia's farm in West Karana has been struggling, barely meeting their own needs and leaving them little to sell. Believing he figured out how the Millers have been so successful with their farm all these years, Rongol created a scarecrow but his effort was unsuccessful. This and forced him to take more drastic measures and he sought the help of a witch. Unfortunately, the magical powers of the witch were a bit more than Rongol and Anderia were prepared to handle. The couple is now needs the help of brave adventures.
- Marta Stalwart in Toxxulia is baking pies to celebrate an old Erudite pie flinging tradition started by an angry wife who scolded her lazy husband by throwing pies at him.
- Grom Shives in Nektulos is retelling the tale of the legendary ride of a dark elf warrior who swindled magic from powerful creatures, and managed to evade them in Nektulos as he returned to Neriak.
- Silas Lightweaver is trying to put on a light show in Greater Faydark, but faeries from Lesser Faydark are running amuck, casting gaudy spells and disturbing his performance. Capture them, and release them back into Lesser Faydark where they belong.
- Corporal Gravlin stands guard in Qeynos Hills as travelers from Qeynos attempt journey to Surefall Glade for a celebration. Unfortunately, the evil necromancer Pyzjn is causing trouble by raising undead to attack anyone passing through the region.
Hauntings in the Community! - Halloween Ustream Event: Join us on October 29, 2010, starting at 2:00 pm PDT, for our Ustream celebration, "SOE Halloween Hocus Pocus."
- Pumpkin Carving Forum Challenge: Carve a pumpkin related to the SOE game you play and take pictures of the process. Upload the pictures to an external site, then submit them to us for review. Now, let's get to carving! This challenge ends on November 4th.
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Pumpkin Carving Forum Challenge
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